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diff between schizophreniform disorder n schizotypal personality disorder,i always get confused.
the only difference i have come across seems to be the time .... schizophreniform symptoms should be for at least one month but less than six mnths while schizophrenia the symptoms should be present for more than 6 mnths...
can someone else confrim this please?
Schizophreniform is typically a short duration schizophrenia-<6 months duration. Schizotypal is a mild type schizophrenia which has the characteristic"magical thinking/eccenteric "pattern.The duration is irrelevant while considering Schizotypal.Here is a pneumonic i got from the internet for symptoms of schizotypal:

A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for schizotypal personality disorder is "ME PECULIAR"

M - magical thinking or odd beliefs
E - eccentric behavior or appearance
P - paranoid ideation
E - experiences unusual perceptions
C - constricted affect
U - unusual thinking & speech
L - lacks friends
I - ideas of reference
A - anxiety (socially)
R - rule out psychotic disorders & pervasive developmental disorder
thanks pashna n malvika,i hope i dont forget it again.