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I have a silent observer of this forum for about 6 months and i think u give the best advice so i hope u can help me!
i am from india, 1994 MBBS graduate, MD in O&G and now want to do residency- i have read a lot of posts that O&G is not such a good choice due to litigations etc.............what do think? As I have done my MD i really do not want to change specialties?
also my husband is a surgeon, with DNB as well........i think that surgery is also difficult to get into right?
heh - flattery... there's no such thing as 'the best advice'; everyone reads into things differently... (note to self, DNB = Diploma of the National Board in India).


both are tough (but not impossible) fields to break into. my only advise for the both of you, is to really decide if this is what you want for your future (residencies in the US, etc). if it is, then the single most important thing the both of you NEED is to score very well on both steps 1 and 2 ck. i really can't stress this point enough. i would also think about talking with other colleagues you may be working with right now (in your respective fields), and maybe submit an abstract or two to an american O&G meeting (for you, and an american surgery meeting for him). when it gets accepted, go and present your abstract(s). then start making contacts.

it's a long process. you will both need good scores, especially if you want to try and match in the same place(s). the abstract presentation is a plus or minus thing - two birds with the same throw kind of thinking. but if you don't/can't, that's alright. main thing - good (great) scores (both of you).
thanks for the reply!
we have pretty much decided that we would like to go for residencies so i think we will give it a try.
we have to get started with USMLEs and as u said get great scores!
do u know if one has a better chance if have passed MRCS?or MRCOG?
i'm afraid i don't know the exact answer to that.

it depends on the program director (and the direction the program is heading in) and whether experience or 'fresh graduate status' is given a higher level of importance.