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Hi there!
why is FP always reckoned as a back-up option or for people with low scores?Aren't they doing a really good job serving the underserved areas? or is it because of the low earning potential of their field?IF so, how much do they make per annum?please give me some input.coz i am interested in pursuing family practice.thanx in advance.
DR Joe

About $140,000 a year but depends where


this is one of the few residencies you can do to practice in the ER. And in Er you have good hours, no on call, great income 180,00 to start, what more do you want !!!!!

thanx a lot u guys.I 'VE DECIDED OVER FP.
evan Interesting debate.


Hi fpresident.
I am an img interested in fp.I didnt quite get the meaning of your post.Doesnt ER mean emergency room?If so,could u please explain the role of an FP physician in the ER?Also,shouldnt the ER have the worst hours,in terms of both the quality and the quantity?