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i got all my results[step1, 2 and csa ] before 31st jan and i am waiting for my certificate .Do i need to send my medical school transcript to ecfmg .please help .thanks

No. Now it is just a matter of patience. If you passed step 1, 2 and CSA you will get you certificate at anytime.

You dont need a medical school transcript to get your certificate. there is a couple of weeks delay as there is a final check of your credentials before they send your certificate.
So stay put and dont worry.
your med school transcript is already with the ecfmg, you sent it when you uploaded your documents for ERAS, if you have done that!

you are wrong DDT...Begining in ferbruary have to send your final medical school transcript to the ECFMG and they have top verify it with your med school before thay can issue the certficate .
There's no relationship between what you have send to ECFMG and what you have send to ERAS. THese are 2 seperate entities.

NBM is right..this is new trick these guys have pulled up last if we guys didnt have enough to worry about ..
anyways... i spoke to people at ecfmg..they said that so long as u have given all the exams by deadline u can still participate in match and do not atually need the transcripts verified before that.. plez if anyone else got the same message reassure me !

Thanks for letting me know of this suddenly brought up requirement. But then again, i gave my CSA in late November and got my certificate in late Jan. I had a problem with my OASIS which suddenly decided to show that my credentials as being under verification ( although they were received and verified since 1999 and OASIS was showing that until my CSA result came )
I called up the ECFMG and asked if there was need of any further documentation (in early jan) they replied there was NONE.
I called up my college and asked if there was a pending request from the ECFMG about any transcript, again there was no request form them.
the funny part is that after my calling them, the ECFMG showed verified credentials within 12 hours on the OASIS. I sincerely doubt the quality of operations of this organization now!!

Also, keep it in mind that the ECFMG already HAS your transcript even though if it is for ERAS because they happen to be our Dean's office. (I am asuming that you are a FMG).

However if there is requirement mentioned now, you must be doing it but for the record, i got my certificate in the time period mentioned and i did not submit any further documentation.
Any inconvenience caused inadvertantly by my earlier post is regretted.

For CSA,
Yes exactly the same thing happened to me & got the same reply from them, they told me that u just need to take all the exams by deadline(jan 31) to participate in the match however u can expedite the process also by calling to ur school.
sakura - ossyrisa

Rani, I got the same info from ECFMG. I went to NRMP and work for ROL. I passed my step1,2, and CSA. But, on the NRMP I found my ECFMG status : not verified. WHat is that mean ? When I called ECFMG they said that I am fine and could participate in Match. But,... this word not verified status really annoy me. Anybody have an idea, please helppppppppppppp.

Ok, I talked with the ecfmg rep for a long time and this is my idea of the issue:
1. if u have passed all your steps and csa before 31st jan, u r fine only if u have ur diploma has been verified already. No need to send transcripts.
2. if u appeared for the exams and csa but do not have all the results before 31st jan, send the transcripts asap to become eligible for certification.
3.if u appered and passed all steps and csa but ur diploma is not verified , you do not meet the criteria for certification and u need to send the transcripts.
4. this time around the ecfmg is really busy and is taking a lot of time to update oasis, so there might be some lag in updating ur info, so keep calling them and bugging them till ur info is updated.
In essence: before 31st jan: certification criteria- PASSING all steps, PASSING csa and a verified diploma.
After 31st jan: certification requires passing steps and csa, diploma and transcript verification.
For all those who are planning to hit the postmacth and do not have the results of csa or step 2 or do not have the diploma and transcripts verified , act fast... time is running out!!

Good job Mer !
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