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Doctors acting like wimps... - moofmonster - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010

very inspiring sammy10, let me just wipe the tear that is rolling down my cheek

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010

Here take a tissue paper Smile.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010


I feel for you man. Expressing frustration is one thing but when I see talented intelligent respectable doctors devolve into babbling idiots, it really does a number on me.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010

On the other hand, I am seeing an arrogant side of medicine I had hoped did not exist on such a large scale, but all of these comments laypersons make about their physicians are becoming more and more relevant to the discussion at hand.

There are people here who legitimately want to become physicians and they are being told they cannot by people who are now in positions of power.

There is whining and then there is legitimate and warranted concern over the current system that is the Match. Our system is failing on another level. We lack the compassion that is needed to carry us forward. Growing a pair is not something I have trouble with as I've stood chest to chest with some rednecks around here that could have pummeled me into the ground. I've also stood toe to toe with an orthopedic surgeon and a gastroenterologist, both of whom had reputations for being the jerks they were.

What moof is doing is picking a fight. I'm not sure if it's an AMG/IMG spat he/she is trying to stir up or if he's just an instigator, but I will tell all of you this. In my four years of medical school, I have never met a more sinister and conniving group of people. I have no doubt many of you would throw your own mother under a bus if it served to benefit your future and advance your career. Talking from a pedestal built on feces stinks to high heaven. I suggest you re-examine what it means to devolve into something less than respectable, moof. You need to work on what does a number on you before criticizing what does a number on someone else.

I say, what started this thread and what this thread highlights are equally disgusting. Nothing but pure arrogance spurred this particular thread and I find the behavior shameful. These are not the physicians I wish to work side by side with. If this is modern medicine, let it dig its own grave in search of self preservation. If I'm not welcome at your side, then I want no part of it. I'll gladly tell any one of you guys off in the blink of an eye here and in person. I really have nothing to lose at this point, folks. If you want this thread to escalate, keep at it.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010

Spoken like a true AMG

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010

hmn @least i learnt a new word today "devolve" if nothing else Smile

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010

So whats your own status Moof?. You applied this year too?. How is it going for you

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010


Apparently you have become disillusioned by the practice of modern medicine. I don't see how stepping up to rednecks or some attending has any relevance to the discussion at hand. I can tell that there is a lot of passion in your words however it has dwindled down to nothing more than a long winded rant.

Your position is not clear and comes off as ramblings of a confused med student disheartened by a long days work.


It's alright. Not what I expected but I'm not complaining.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010

it's very obvious from the above that:
1--you make a strained effort to put out the feculent language that you use so as to appear sophisticated to us "poor" uneducated IMGs
2--your condescension is more than apparent, try searching the thesaurus for more 13 letter words or longer to support your goals.
3--you dont have to grow a pair because for some reason, your fate is somewhat assured for some reason unknown to us....likely that you are an AMG or just a troublemaker....
4--you yourself cannot refrain from the childish acts you so described and have taken an active role lambasting anyone who dares reply to your remarks.
5--this thread is an attempt to seek attention and also displace your own frustrations at others.
6--doctors are just like everybody else...we are human; wats wrong with acting like a wimp once in a while?

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2010


You are sorely mistaken. As for my condescending remarks.. I can't help it it's my nature.