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Failed my step 3 exam :( - doctor_91 - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 06-17-2016

400 in nbme correlates to 204 and i have heard around 400 in nbme is safe to take exam
Good luck

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-17-2016

So sorry about that., Please try hardrer, I would suggest you to take class with Dr.Raj as he is very good at teaching step3, his email id is drraj78.
Always hard work brings success.

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-18-2016

Sorry to hear that, I failed with 189 last year with CCS score b/w borderline and high, although crashed all cases, still clueless where I missed. I requested recheck but no change. U can give it try, and hope for best.
I am finishing residency and hoping to pass this time.
I am again appearing in Nov, preparing from Kaplan MCQs, UWorld again, and some NBME help
will be happy to discuss, if u like

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-18-2016

i failed last yr with 189 and requested recheck no change but you can alwways try and hope for best.
My ccs although crashed all cases b/w borderline and high still i failed, have no clue what I missed.
I am in residency was hard to believe for ccs.
If u r interested we can talk, I ma reappearing in NOV.

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-19-2016

i failed with one point last year, score recheck didn't help.
If u want to discuss my email is lifesaverdr

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-19-2016

Do worry keep trying, relax and try again

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-28-2016

You must pass your U.S.M.L.E.-PERIOD.

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0 - ArchivalUser - 07-08-2016

I'm sorry to everyone who didn't pass. I just took mine also and am terrified. Hope it's not insensitive to ask, but for those who received their scores, did you receive on the 3rd Wed or the 4th Wed? And which day (M-F) did you take the CCS portion? I am a wreck waiting.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-08-2016

I'm truly sorry and hope FSMB might award you some points but I've never heard of that happening unfortunately. It sounds like you would have passed if you did better on the CCS. Did you do Archer or have Neeraj's notes?

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-10-2016

hello, if any one needs help, as in revising in MTB or archer or premier review, plz leave emails.