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Psychiatry 2008 - psych2008 - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 02-25-2008

In the ROL can i include programs to which i had not apllied through Eras initially. I started applying in late December and many good programs were past the deadline for application.
Thanks for your help. and GL for the match

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-26-2008

In theory, you can rank any program in your rol.. whether you applied there or not.. whether you interviewed there or not... but it is of no avail as you wont be matching into any of such programs where you havent applied or not interviewed.

thankyou blackcookie for your wishes.
ya whoknows.. lets hope for the best.. wish you luck.

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-27-2008

did anyone get a phone call from the PD of VCU?..wonder how many they call like that saying they rank highly..and what abt AGH?

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-27-2008

I posted several threads about AGH and never received an answer.

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-27-2008

well i received call from AGH's PD..but they have just 2 seats

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-28-2008

Hey Captain

Sorry for this super late reply, I was in Canada on a much awaited/ needed vacation. Well now I don't think it will really help but still to share on this forum WSU is far much a better program as compared to UMDNJ and SLU. Infact I would put it in top 5 US Psychiatry programs, I know there has been some talk about WSU and DMC foghting over few millions but the fact is nobody can afford this alliance failing and hence even the Governor steps in as soon as these 2 fight. I was very much impressed by their educational didactics curriculum and overall they have a superb combination of clinical/ educational featues. They offer near about all major fellowships [Including Sleep] and rest [psychosomatic] can be availed from MSU as MSU too prefers WSU grads for their fellowships. Above all Dr Brooks is the best PD among all I interviewed with.

Well MI has recently changed it's DL rule but it should not affect you very much as you will be getting a driving certificate which will allow you to drive anywhere in the US.

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-28-2008

Hey psych2008,

how wud u rank the following programs...

VCU, SLU, WSU, Maine Med Center, Texas Tech, Univ at Buffalo, LSU(shreveport), Allegheny Gen Hosp,St elizabeth

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-28-2008

Texas Tech
St Elizabeth

No idea about AGH or MMC

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-28-2008

Thanks psych2008,

i guess its a little too late..but i think i looked a lot more into the security of the place than the training..did u have ivs at all these places? and how many phone calls did u get from the PDs ?

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-28-2008

hi pinktowel..whats VCU..?