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thanks everyone! =) - boggart - Printable Version

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thanks everyone! =) - boggart - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

To everyone on the forum:

Thank you for your very kind words and encouragement. These last few days have been extremely stressful and I did exactly what I should not do: review material that I haven't seen before.

Today I am much calmer and have been just going through a textbook of histology and an atlas of images.

thanks to everyone who has helped me in particular in the past few weeks and days with some random and difficult questions which have popped into my head and I have not had time to look up.

I'm leaving for my hotel in a few hours for my exam tomorrow morning, so this will (probably) be my last message ante-exam.

Good luck to everyone taking the exam in the near future and when/if I get back then I will let you know how it goes.

I'm quite anxious but I think for this exam I shall stop looking at material this evening to let my brain sleep. I am usually one of these people who is reading a textbook as they walk into the exam, in the hope that I will absorb important material. In this case however I think a clear and sharp mind is most important for this marathon.

I hope that luck is on my side tomorrow and I'm dealt a fair (or even easy!) exam.

All the best to everyone.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

Good Luck
May God Make easier for you to get a great score.
Pray for us.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

You can not even imagine how do I feel right now. Believe it or not, it's like my own exam. Mine is pretty soon, I am exhusted but I should continue.
I wish you best of luck, calm and sharp mind. Good luck and may GOD be on your side

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006


0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

Good Luck Boggart!!
God bless you!
you'll rock !

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

Wish you Good Luck. May Allah make it easy on you.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

gl boggart

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

Good luck!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

goodluck boggart

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-24-2006

Hey boggart you are probaly sitting and writing your exam by now.....all the prayer will be with you. Hope to see your experience soon.