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Wat R they waiting for????? - once_upon_atime - Printable Version

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Wat R they waiting for????? - once_upon_atime - ArchivalUser - 09-11-2006

Hello dudes.......its simply frustrating.......they have downloaded our complete application n today is the 12th day including sep01........r the PDs sleeping???????

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-11-2006

im waiting too .... sigh

but come to think of it.. so far theyve just had a week of working days..

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-11-2006

Maybe its the sheer number of applications- they'll certainly need lotsa time to go thru them- and add to that the absence of USMLE transcript for a week. Patience, my friend, patience!

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-11-2006

as long as they wait.................we have to wait..........lets expect something by the end of this week......

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-11-2006

And then there are some programs that did not even care to download of the prog i applied to has not even downloaded the appli...and I applied on sep that simply means they haven't even visited eras postoffice yet...i am ususlly cool but this is really frustating...they could at least have downloaded ! I check ADTS daily just for this program !

anyways..I know i cannot do anything about it.
I should be cool. Oh !


0 - ArchivalUser - 09-11-2006

stay cool, dont kill yourself
Most of those programs will download after 15th, as they give time for the applications to be complete beforre reviewing. And u r not alone.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-11-2006

Hey rathi, some progs prefer to wait b4 downloading all applications at once- dont worry- they're just waiting for the stragglers to finish with their applications.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-11-2006

most progs do not review before sept 15.