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neuroanatomy ? - coolzone - Printable Version

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neuroanatomy ? - coolzone - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2006

please can someone which source to use for neuroant
1. high yeild
2. BRS
3. clinical neuro made red simple
4. kaplan notes only

please help , i m an old grad n totally out of touch..neuroanat is not smthn u read ..unless req ..i hope u und what i m saying
please suggest ..
thanks a lot

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2006

hi Coolzone. I would advise u to go with Kaplan Neuro along with the audio lectures (u can find it somewhere in the forum). Its simple and makes u understand the concept.

I tried High-Yield (the recommended)...but most of the stuff went over my head. Its too condensed. Good luck.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2006

thanx a lot for your advise ..i would def go by that ...
happy studying

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-02-2006

USMLE Road map Neuroscience same as kaplan notes shorter and better

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-02-2006

USMLE Road map Neuroscience same as kaplan notes shorter and better