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My exam experience - 29th dec - adrenaline2176 - ArchivalUser - 12-29-2006

It is finally over.....I just gave my exam and I can finally get this big bad monkey off my back. Before i continue, I would like to thank the almight GOD for his blessings. And y'all for making ths forum a wonderfull place to prepare for this test. My special thanxs to the X-mem(bers)- Cd, Sharky (I got it right didnt I?), Pashna, Marie, Sao, usmlestep1prep, kashmala, iced, shawn and my man...Indi (my wingman in times of trouble).

Now about my exam...well, it was a bag of mixed feelings. The first two blocks were very hectic...u r so pumped up and u keep answering q's based on immediate short-term basically I could recollect the concepts well. One thing to note was the Q's were long (5-6 avg). Block 3 went well, block 4 was again hectic. Block 5,6 was Ok and block 7 was good...maybe the thought of finishing the test made it look so.

Now some pointers:

Most (70-80%) of the q were case presentations (history,physical, findings). So know the lab values for the common things (the usmle cd has blood lab values...know the one marked by * coz these r the commmon chem-12 values)

I practiced reading the last line of the q first and then go ahead with the q. It helped me with time management. Still I could barely complete each block within the stipulated time.

Almost all subjects were tested...more of path, micro and pharma. 10% of q's were 2-3 liners esp micro, rest were long. I was worried about genetics...but by Gods grace I didnt get many.

Heavily tested topics:

Ca, K, PTH - know the values and learn the concepts (Kaplan physio is gr8)

Hormones and their effect especially on Na/K+ values - aldosterone, cortisol.

Cell components and their functions (golgi, mitochondria)

Bacteriology - Nisseria, std, meningitis, rikettsia, staph.

Hiv was a favorite topic - cytokines/ capsid proteins/ treatment/ drug SE. Opportunistic infections (got a lot of them)

Anat- nerve injuries, muscle actions, I got two same q asking the embryological process involved involved in hypospadias (urogenital folds)

Biochem - Lysosomal storage disease (I cell disease)/ glycogen storage disorders. Know the of cytokines very well (IL 1,2, etc), immunodeficiency diseases

Pharma - side effects, CNS & BP drugs, invitro infusions of adrenergic/ cholinergics drugs and see the effect on BP and HR. Most of the q were like this pt is taking this drug and another drug X is given...what is the MOA/ what is drug X/ or side effects of X Know CVS and CNS well.

Strangely there were 2-3 stats q' too...this is where i wasted most of the time coz I have OCD and wanna get my calculation right...dont do this u calculation and click next. If u cant figure it out...mark something and leave.

I cant remember anything else..but will post it once remember something. Pl. remember...there will always be some q which u have no idea of...I wasted my time to figure it out coz I was trying to figure out the "concepts'...but these r the most time consuming q. And once u lag behind in time, u wont have time to rethink ur ans for the remaining q's...u just read the q, click and move on. Try to avoid this.

Also, READ ALL THE CHOICES. There r some tricky q's which have 2 right choices. U shud choose the most selective one. One q was about disruption in circadian rythmn..the choices had hypothalamas (B)..but if u read further there is suprachiasmatic nucleus (E). So be careful as to clicking fast and moving on to next.

Thats all the tips I could think of. My advice...TIME MANAGEMENT !!!! If u have enogh time...u will feel moe confident answering the q's.

As for the preparation - it was very haphazard. The only book I read thouroughly was First Aid. Almost 95% is covered by it. Rest, I did q's from UW (the q is similar to the actual exam with all the history etc. It also has the same difficulty level of some of the tough q's in the exam (5-10 out of 50). So if u practice 50 tough q's...u will be in a good shape to cope with the difficulty level in the exam (though u may not answer t

I read Kap biochem, Pharma and Physio. I did just FA and some isolated readings from other texts for micro and path. A lot of concepts came from readin UW and Kaplan.

Thats all I'll try to sleep....and yes if someone want to try Red bull during the test....I dint find it useful..I started getting tremors (with just half a bottle)...but rehydrate urself plentiful. I brough gatorade (a drink like electral) and bottled water and made sure I drank plenty after each also made me visit the loo after every block...but I waas fresh and didnt feel tired.

Good luck to all those appearing in the coming months.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-29-2006

sweet mother of God!!!!!!!!!
it sounds like u had an extremely doable exam......this smells like a 90s for u.....

the only thing holding me back now is FEAR.....the fear factor itself is my biggest enemy...

congrats....sounds like u enjoyed it than just fight the beast....

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-29-2006

for ur successful attempt.May u score 99% n may u do well in other steps.may u get the residency of ur dream.thanks for typing ur experience in detail.and another good thing ab ur exam experience .....its not fearful.u made it so easy for us to understand abt taking ours.
thanks once again.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-29-2006

congratulations.. knew u would do well.. happy new year and best wishes for a great year ahead!! enjoy your holiday. goodluck for a great score and residecy program

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-29-2006

Thank you so much for the wishes. I dont know how I'm gonna score, but the thought of finishing this test is a big relief. CD, Happy New Year to you too....I'm sure u r eagerly awaiting ur score. So best of luck.

Raidexin.....fear is the enemy u should hit in between the eye. Just say to urself, "I will not let fear control my destiny". think is sure...nobody feels like they have done enough before they take the test...its just a confidence feeling. So if u r confident..jump in !!!

Kashmala....thanx for the compliments. As I said..I'm a little crazy and I motivate myself by talking to myself (No thanxs.....i dont need olanzapine). A major confidenc ebooster for me is my faith.....I just leave everything to God and do my best. When r u taking the test?

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-29-2006

i postponed going to take it within two months inshaAllah. have Faith in My God n i believe he will help me no matter wat inshaAllah

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2006

Hope u get the highest marks !

i wonder how exams will be in 2007 !

Please if you can post few questions that'll be so so helpful!

Thank you

God Bless

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2006

woo hooo!!!! full marks to you!!!!! (ooooo...please note as to how its sounds sooo wolverineSmile ) buddy..hope you get a good fat huge score! u earned it! have urself a great party this new year and see u around!

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2006

Congratulations adrenaline2176 for taking step1 b4 the end of 2006, wish you the score of your dream. Happy new year and Happy Eid to you, your family and friends.
With this forum i had the chance to make friend, not only study group, May 2007 be a succeful year to all my usmleforum family.
May God help you in all steps of your life.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-30-2006

Best of luck for a great a score.