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This is funny to me !!!!!!!!!!!vagina w/adenovirus - jovanavcs - Printable Version

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This is funny to me !!!!!!!!!!!vagina w/adenovirus - jovanavcs - ArchivalUser - 03-03-2007

Inhalational antigen stimulation leading to antibody
recovery from vaginal mucosa of experimental animal.
How? It is called "Dissemination of Immunologic Memory" , and it is the same mechanism used in Adenovirus Vaccine.
The adenovirus vaccine used by the military against adenovirus types 4 and 7 is an enteric-coated , live , non-attenuated virus preparation.
This vaccine produces an asymptomatic intestinal infection and thereby induces mucosal IgA memory cells.
These cells then populate the mucosal immune system throughout the body.
( Because Memory cells tend to home in a tissue-specific fashion , presumably returning to the type of tissue in which they first encountered antigen.)
Vaccine recipients are thus protected against adenovirus acquired by aerosol , which could otherwise produce pneumonia.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-03-2007

yeap , it;s funny :Smile))