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some remembered Qs? - azaaza - Printable Version

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some remembered Qs? - azaaza - ArchivalUser - 03-19-2007

1. what kind of receptor on bronchi?
beta adrenergic, Muscurinic receptor

2. bicornu uterus is due to
failure of fusion mullerian ducts

3. chornic pain syndrome , where is the defect?

hope get some comments, thanks!

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-19-2007

I need a partner for reviewing the step 1 .I am living in BROOKLYN/NY.If anyone is interested in, just mail me to sinearas, or sine_aras

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-19-2007

anybody know the ans?

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-19-2007

1= muscuranic receptor
2= failure of paramesinephric duct.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-19-2007

2.Mullerian ducts =paramesonephric duct.
1. Bronchial smooth muscle must also have b2 adrenergic, right?

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-19-2007

2= yes mellerian duct = paramesonephric duct .
and for 1 =muscaranic M3,...B2 adrenergic..

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-20-2007

2...yes paramesonephric duct

1....M1 is seen only in intestinal glands
M2 ...heart

M3...everywhere else
3....i think it does not respond to usual analgesics..even morphine