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to math and others - quansar - Printable Version

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to math and others - quansar - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

some questions left unanswered and I think they are hard, just leave it here so maybe some body may help figure it out

1. which amino acid is deficit in kwashiorkor
options were glycine, glutamine, alanine, aspartate

I pick glycine as all of them are non-essential aa and body need glycine most for building tissue and cells so it may become conditional essential

2. what prevents urine from going into abdominal cavity, is it transversalis fascia???

are we talking about the saddle injury here??

if so, it is the urogenital diaphram. which specific muscle or fascia I am not sure

3. brocas=inferior or superior frontal,,,,,,,,
I do not get this q, math, would you please elaborate a bit more??

4. cannot comprehent and not good speech,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,where is lesion

seems like both the broca and wernica area have been injured. So I think it is MCA problem, both frontal lobe and temporal lobe get injuried


0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

3 Broca -localized in inferior frontal gyrus

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

kwashiokor i simply choose glycine

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

ulise, oh, thanks. I got it.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

math, my first reaction was to choose glycine as I reasoned above. I hope it is correct

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

there was no reasong for me just prayed to GOD and chose it

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

parietal,,frontal,occipital,temporal lobe were choice for 4

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

math wat did u choose for global aphasia Q

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

abdominal wall or abdominal cavity.

Only suprior wall of urinar bladder if rupture will lead to extravasation of urine in peritoneal or abdominal cavity directly.

anterior wall rupture will also lead to the extravasation in retropubic space of retzius

rupture of urethra above the urogenital diaphragm will lead to extravasation of urine to retropubic space of retzius

below it will [ most common] lead to exravastion of urine to superficial perenial pouch scrotum ,penile and anterior abdominal wall .
[ urine doe not extend to thigh] due to lateral attachment of colles' fascia attachment to pubic arch.

also as it also fuses with urogenital diaphragm posterior urine is not gonna go back posteriorly in gluteus region.

Now anteriorly we know colles's form dartos fascia of penis and scrotum in perenium and will form scrap's fascia in anterior abdominal wall [membranous fascia]so the rupture will lead to extravastion of urine between scrapa's fascia and apneurosis of external oblique muscle.

So it might be external oblique apneurosis that is stopping urine to enter the abdomen,coz under it is external oblique ,then internal oblique than tranversus abdominus ,fascia transversalis ,so How can it be fascia Transversalis

Now if penile urethra is injured than it will lead to extravasation of urine confined to deep fascia of buck .

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-21-2007

1. cystein is deficient in kwashiorkor