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step 1 - - ArchivalUser - 11-12-2003


guys,i have 4wks to go for the actual exam,can any of you give valuable suggestions on how to study in this last minute & on what subjects i have to stress on.i'm almost done with my qbank.getting an average of 63%.i'm too scared,how does this score be corelated with the real exam cos when i look into this forum i see people scoring 70 - 80%.
can i take the exam or not????????

please help.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-13-2003


hi shipla
i should be taking my exam in about 4 weeks as well.
just to encourage u.
u could focus on those areas of the qbank where u have the lowest scores and read them up again and then re review the questions.
dont worry too much, at least i know a lot of people inflate scores so dont use it and erode your self confidence.
stay confident and study hard!
best of luck!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-13-2003


shilpa, 63% is too low. If you can postpone the exam, do it.
Who is rushing you? Even if you pass, it's really important to get high scores if you want to stand a chance in the match. That's the way it seems to be for IMG's.
If you can't postpone it. BEST OF LUCK!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-13-2003

DR Joe

I agree with Roberto
Delay until you are hitting 75% plus
Use high yeild and do all the q-bank
You can only take this once and you want to get as high a score as possible to improve your chances of a match

Ps- I got 98 in step1 and have got many interviews b'cos of this


0 - ArchivalUser - 11-14-2003


Hi shilpa,
I just gave step 1, got 94. My best advice would be to go over what you have done again and again. There is nothing new to be learnt in 4 weeks, and what you have read it just enough, you have to know it well. So that the 1 minute you get for reading and answering will be enough.

Its not how much you know, its how well you know what you know.
Best of luck,