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one pharma q - pin - ArchivalUser - 05-29-2007

A toddler ingests an unknown quantitiy of rat poison being stored in a garage. She begins to vomit and have a rice water stools. On examination, she is hypotensive and her breath has a distinct odor resembling garlic. Prothombin and partial thromboplastin times are normal. Which of the following is a known toxicity of the antidote?
a. hepatotoxicity

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-29-2007

If i remember rat poison contains warfarin and Warfarin inhibits the synthesis of biologically active forms of the vitamin K-dependent clotting factors II, VII, IX and X, as well as the regulatory factors protein C, protein S .

Warfarin toxicity can be reversed by giving VitK or fresh frozen plasma or prothrombin complex concentrate...

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-29-2007

even though its in the explanation, i will mention 2 lines from answer explanation" A normal coagulation panel indicates that active element in the poison is not warfarin, as is common in newer formulation."

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-29-2007

it should b arsenic poisoning, and its antidote is dimercaprol

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-29-2007

so, what is your answer?

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-29-2007


0 - ArchivalUser - 05-30-2007

antidote vit K ,,BBB??/

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-30-2007

sorry, I will go with EE ,may be antidote is penicillamine ,which causes membranous GN

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-30-2007

Arsenic poisoning

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-30-2007

Answer is D.

well guys, you all are correct, you know the concept, it was arsenic poisoning.11% got it correct. The trick was in the poison there was not warfarin.
Arsenic found in old formulation of rodent poison.A normal coagulation panel indicates that the active element in the poison is not warfarin,as is common in newer formulations.Acute arsenic poisoning presents with vomiting, ric water stools, and hypotension.Patients have garlic odor on their breath.The antidote for arsenic is dimercaprol or succimer. Both are derivatives of same compound, but succimer is administered orally,while dimercaprol is administered intravenously.These medications coordinate with metal ions, prevention them from binding tissue proteins.Known toxicities include hypertension, nausea,vomiting and headache.Succimer is considered more toxic than dimercaprol.
Dimercaprol and succimer do not produce hepatotoxicity,hypercoagulability,hyperglycemia or nephrotoxicity.