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Question about USMLE CD: Your experience ? - triplehelix - Printable Version

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Question about USMLE CD: Your experience ? - triplehelix - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

When I registered for step 1, they sent me a free CD.
They did not send me any CD during CK
And, also they did not send me any CD for CS, I registered for CS in January, but did not get any CD from ECFMG, but people are telling me that I should get a demo CD from them.

Did you all get CS CD ? Should I contact them for my CD ?
What do you suggest ?
Thanks for your time and feedback, greatly appreciated.

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

u should contact. i got a/f i contact

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

Yes u should.I got a CD for my CK & then again when I extended the eligibility period.However u can access the same at their site or I can send u one if u want.

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

triple the cd is the same for all steps
step 1, 2 cs
the currenct cd is 2007

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

i got 2 cds... 1 for step1 and next for CK... havent given CS (but have applied for it...)
i think there are 2 cds cuz i applied in 2 diif yrs... For step1 in 2006 and for CK in 2007...

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

All CD's are available on the USMLE website....

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

Dear...all CDs are same...if u have one CD then u dont need others..regarding old or new...these are just same they just print new date every year...
one things more everything u have on that CDs is avaible on
so u dont need CD at all..everytime u register u get CD..but most likely it has been lost or they forgot to send it but its not really needed as long as u have all the above mentioned stuff

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

they will only send it once, but u if u wnat the current they will not send it againm but u can download all of it from their website

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-10-2007

hi triple, dont worry all cds are the same.. i xtnded the eligib for step 2 and they send me another cd that's the same they sent when i applied the 1st time..
when i had step 1 wherein i unfrtnly faild 2x i got same cds too..
so guess how many cd collections do i have now?.....
have a nice day trplehelix!

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2007

Thanks everybody who took their precious time to respond to my post.
I appreciate your feedback...and it was helpful to me.