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Is FIRST AID 2004 enough to PASS Step 1??? - - Printable Version

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Is FIRST AID 2004 enough to PASS Step 1??? - - ArchivalUser - 08-22-2004

Student in Eastern US

Do you guys think that knowing the First Aid book is enough to just pass Step 1??? I know that it's not enough to get a really good score, but is it enough to get by??

Thanks!!! Smile

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-22-2004


first aid can help you to quickly revise the imp material you've already learned..I dont think it can be used as the sole learning material...
what do you think guys?

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-22-2004

Just Me

I have not taken the exam as yet but read this post from Ani about what he says about FA and his score

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-22-2004

Student in Eastern US

Thank you JUST ME for that link... That was VERY helpful!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-22-2004

Just Me

no problem

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-22-2004

Chicago Hope

To my Opionion, FA is only sufficient for new grad to pass the exam. My experience to FA is that it is good for last minute review. So use the big book such as Kaplan and BRS and add the note to FA is a time-saving method.

Good Luck

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-23-2004

Student in Eastern US

Does anyone else have an opinion about this?? Your opinions would be greatly appreciated!!! Smile

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-23-2004


i haven't got my score yet. but if you know the FA inside out you probably will get a good score. but probably you need to review other books to understand everything in FA. Like the Board review series. It is of course also good to use Qbank. I would say BRS Pathology or something similar is a must and it only takes a few days to read that one.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-23-2004


I think it depends on your existing knowlege and understanding of all the topics. If you have a good background (good grades, etc) and you know what first aid is talking about and you understand why the high yield facts are what they are and aren't just memorizing, then FA is enough I think. But if you come across stuff in FA and you keep asking yourself "why is this so" and "I've never heard of that" then you may need more explanation.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-23-2004


No first aid is not enough.

While it is true that as much as 90% of answers in the exam may be found in first aid, it does not follow that one can pass exam with FA alone. FA is just a repository of answers. To say one can pass with FA alone is akin to saying one can learn english by reading a dictionary; although all english words and meanings may be found in a dictionary, the language cannot be learnt that way. FA is a review book and reference source. Other complimentary sources are necessary to derive the benefit FA offers. What complimentary source you need depends on your background, basal knowledge, maturity and distance from your medical school courses. For some major texts may need to be consulted first, others may read first aid to consolidate an already strong basal knowledge (in this case they passed due to combination of basal knowledge - which came from somewhere - and FA, not FA alone), others may use electronic aids and internet sources to help understand FA topics, others may use question banks. For some it may be a combination of all. My approach was to use FA in combination with Q-bank.

I think it would be misleading if anyone said they passed with first aid alone, and I doubt it would be truthful and on enquiry you will find they used other sources. While it is true that most answers to exam Qs are in FA, the converse that reading FA alone will get you a pass unfortunately does not apply as FA alone cannot present the facts in a way you will retain them for exam.

Best of luck