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just for review.bichem..lipids - - ArchivalUser - 08-24-2004


Q1. acetyle CoA can cross the mitochondrial membrane

A) easily
B) reqires transporter in the membrane
C) converted into product that easily cross that yield in the cytosol again acetyl CoA
D) reqiures receptor in the mito memmbrabe

Q2.effect of insulin on the acetyle carboxylase is

A) increases its activity
B) decreases its activity
C) has no effect
D) diificukt to say

Q3. fatty acids synthesis mainly occurs in the

A) liver
B) kidney
C) adipose tissue
D) intestinal muosal tissue

Q4. precursor of arachidonic acid is

A)linoleic acid
B) lignoceric acid
C) oleic acid
D) palmtic acid

Q5.apolipoprotein B-48 are synthesisized in the

A) liver
B) intestinal mucosal cells
C)endothelial cells

Q6.lipoprotein are required for deradtion of TAG in chylomirons.they are associated with cell surfaces of

A)endothelial cells
B)muscle cell
C)adipose cell
D)liver cell many ATP are used in the sythesis of one TAG molecule in the intestinal cell


Q8.chylomicrons are formed in the

B) intestinla muosal cell
C) plasma
D) difficult to say

Q9.gastric lipase is enzyme found in stomch may be use ful in the digestion of milk lipids gaven to infants becuase

A) infant has high alkaline pH
B) has acidic
C) near neutral
D) difficult to say

Q10. which is the main form of ingested form of lipid

B) cholestrol
C) cholesrtryl ester
D) phospholipids
E) glycolipds

Q11.A man as deficiency of bile acids that may cuase fat malabsorption. which of the follwing best stragedy for patient that may cover this deficency

A) short and medium chain fatty acids
B) short and long chain fatty acids
C) long and medium chain acids
D) short and long and medium chain fatty acids

Q12.congenital absence of which enzyme is associated with weakness and myoglobulnemia follwing the exercise and responsible for movement of long chain fatty acid from cytosol to mitochondria

A) carnitine acyle transferase I
B) carnitine acyle transferase II
C) acyle CoA acyletransferase
D)acetyle carboxylase