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Quick revision - wwjd - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

a)name 3 types of arteriosclerosis
b) In which one is onion skinning seen in
c) in which one is pipestem arteries seen in

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

these disorders cause what defects? match the following:

1) 22q11 syndromes
2) Down syndrome
3) congenital rubella
4) turner's syndrome
5) Marfan's syndrome
6) offspring of diabetic mother

b) Aortic insufficiency
c) Truncus arteriosus, TOF
d) Transpostion of great vessels
e) septal defects, PDA
f) Coarctation of aorta

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

these disorders cause what defects? match the following:

1) 22q11 syndromes------TOF
2) Down syndrome----asd,vsd
3) congenital rubella-----pda
4) turner's syndrome------COA
5) Marfan's syndrome-----AR
6) offspring of diabetic mother-----tga

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

Great job bergkamp!! all ur answers are correct

1) C
2) A
3) E
4) F
5) B
6) D

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

athero sclerosis, moncheberg`smedial calcification,hyperplastic arteriosclerosis(onionskin pattern),

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

3 types of arteriosclerosis..hyaline,hyperplastic,Monckeberg

onion ---- hyperplastic

piestem---- monckeberg

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

thanks wwjd but i got the 22q11 one by exlusion, cud u shed more light on it??

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

correct guys

1)Monckeberg - calcification of arteries mainly ulnar & radial " pipestem arteries"
2)ArterioLosclerosis- hyaLine thickening of small arteries seen in essential HT..."onion skinning" in malignant HT
3)Atherosclerosis- Fibrous plaques & atheromas form in intima of arteries

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Di George Syndrome, Strong Syndrome is a disorder caused by the deletion of a small piece of chromosome 22. The deletion occurs near the middle of the chromosome at a location designated q11.2.

The acronym CATCH-22 (C = cardiac defects, A = abnormal facies, T = thymic hypoplasia, C = cleft palate, H = hypocalcemia from parathyroid aplasia, 22 = microdeletions in chromosome 22) is sometimes used

The syndrome is caused by genetic deletions (loss of a small part of the genetic material) found on the long arm of the 22nd chromosome. Some patients with similar clinical features may have deletions on the short arm of chromosome 10.

DiGeorge syndrome causes migration defects of neural crest-derived tissues, particularly affecting development of the third and fourth Branchial pouches (pharyngeal pouches). Also affected is the thymus gland; a mediastinal organ largely responsible for differentiation and induction of tolerance in T-cells. Impaired immune function results principally from this aetiology

Congenital heart disease (seen in 74% of individuals), particularly conotruncal malformations (tetralogy of Fallot, interrupted aortic arch, ventricular septal defect, and persistent truncus arteriosus) is seen

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-25-2007

CATCH 22 ( or 10) for Di george sd....good mneumonic WWjD thanks a lot bro....Smile