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Any Dec. 1st exam-takers!!Has OASIS been updated!? - - Printable Version

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Any Dec. 1st exam-takers!!Has OASIS been updated!? - - ArchivalUser - 01-06-2004


Could there be a problem?!?!No update so far!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-06-2004


have you gotten your result yet??? I did my exams on dec 10th and nothing yet.

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-06-2004


My friend took it on dec.1 & got results on jan.1st.

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-06-2004


Surprising!!No update on oasis so far-think result is only mailed after that-so am on tenterhooks!!Thanks for the replies tho' Smile
Can understand if the result takes time to reach me as am in India-but for it not to be reported yet...some problem,right??Sad

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-07-2004


took mine on dec 9th, no update either!