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remembered questions - elbamaritza - Printable Version

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remembered questions - elbamaritza - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

1. The same case like in kaplan book pag. 130 excercise 34. They ask you how to calculate VVP and VPN giving you the prevalence or the incidence. So do the excercise no. 34

2. Know the diferent kind of bias. when a gropu receive one drug and the other group receive another droug, what is the bias in the study when it is followed for some period of time.

3. A question asking about interpreter the result with RR> Remember that always you interpreter in confidence interval

4. A question telling you wich result is more trustful. They give you p value. like p = 0.89 , p=0.04, remember that p <0.05 make the study statistically significative

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

1. video clip with a neonate that during the chek you hear a murmur...a machinery one.
2. video clip: A boy that colapse during physical education, you hear a murmur similar to mitral regurgitation, but the answer is mitral valve prolapse because there is no the choice for mitral regurgitation.
3. a EKG with ST elevation and T abnormalities randomly in a pt after a car crash. Myiocardial contusion. The pt also has pneumotorax and can get distracted for it.
4. A eKG of a lady with FA, asymptomatic. They do not give the diagnosis just go straigh foward and ask you about treatment. ASA...but there is not ASA int he choices.
5. Make a chart knowing the radiation of the murmurs and how they change with valsalva. Like 2 qs. about it.
6. A pt with ostium secundum who is going to cystoscopy. Need or not profilaxis.
7. the same pt with ostium secundum who is going to hemicolectomy for poliposis.
8. Statin induce injury...wich one is the lower incidence in producing muscle damage
9. Two questions about how is CO and PCWP in two diferents shock.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

Infecto and dermato
Like 3 questions asking the same in different ways.
1. pt with necrotic ulcer in foot, diabetic...they ask the next diagnosis test if suspect osteomyelitis
2. the same as before with osteomylitis confirmed ..they ask how the bone got contaminated
3. the same as before and they ask about wich factor ist the best to assure you that the pt is going to be healed: a. time with antibiotic, b. no bearing or pressure, c. mange of diaabetes
4. pt with antibiotic who get sun exposure and come back with rash...with antibiotic: quinolonas or tetracyclines
5. Some that make the diferent diagnosis among penfigo vulgaris y bullous penfigoid based just in inmunologic markers.
6. a history of a changing mole
7. A seborreic dermatitis with a picture
8. Kawasaki disease, they ask you for treatment, no ASA in the options.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

ENT and eye
1. glaucoma in a very young pt ? vs uveitis anterior
2. an hypertensive and diabetic pt with decrease of vision. mechanism of decrease in her vision....alteration of vasculature in retine, exudades in retine, hypertonic and hyperosmotic vitreo
3. a young pt with decrease visual....looks like multiple sclerosis, but she has a bruit in carotid, they ask wich test is next.
4. pt with a lot of drug during a hospital due to neumonia.....wich one cause decrease in audition acutely.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

1Pt with RPC antibodies
2Pt wih a gout clinically but they show u x ray more than osteoartrosis. they ask about treatment as next step...they put lose wieght and there is no aines in answer.
3a lady with hystory of migraine but increase in ESR, when you see the choices in the answer you realize that is not migrain and it is gian cell arteritis
4.Inside out polimialgia reumatic vs polimiositis vs. fibromialgia
5. Reiter
6. Still
7. Pt with recurrent tumor in meninges in lumbar area and they tell you that the lateral aspect of thight is numbnes and they ask wich one is compromise: L2 -L3 -L4..and so on
8. Carpal tunel...mechanism of disease......inflamation, infiltration with fibrotic tissue, and so on.
9. Easy one like treatment of lumbar disc and lumbar stenosis treatment.
10. Paget....mechanism of disease...osteoclastic dysfuntion, osteoblastic, vit D/PTH imbalance. Remodelation was not in the choices.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

1. Mother who sniff cocaine and has bleeding
2. Teenager with amenorrea and ovaric mass but with green vaginal ? ectopic?
3. Pt wih baby and mola at the same time
4. Squamous carcinoma in different stages in 2 o 3 questions...they ask about managment....vaginal hysterectomy, and so on.
5. Pt with 21 years with family with ovarian cancer and breast cancer, she never had sexual relations...what to screen for.....PAP
6. Wich is the cancer that u suspect in galactorrea with blood....chocices are intraductal papilloma, inflamatory cancer...
7. Pt with 42 with tachypnea.......mechonio aspiration
8. Pt that can not void she has ulcers in vulva, you palpate big cateterization in the answer ...just drugs ( acyuclovir, ceftriaxone. and others)
9.17 year old with vesicles in vulva. during labor ..what is the neonate art risk...neumonia, encephalitis, sepsis....
10. baby born at home, family with blood diseases, now the baby is bleeding thorugh his gums.....what you do next. frozen plasma, factor VIII, cryoprecipate, vit K

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

1. Pt upset because the doctor is late....what kind of personality
2. Teenager that looks with ADHD.....but there is defiant disorder......
3. Teenager some kind of autistic....but it is asperger disorder.
4. Neuroleptic maling sd.
5. pt who has nuuroleptic malig sd in the past, but now is going to elective surgery, they ask what is the risk....alt of blood presure, seratoninergico.....malign hypertermia.

Dementias......all of them

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

I have several lisosomic storage disease...asking the mechanism of disease
Several asking Gammaglobulinemia the bruton or Wistock aldrich, no buzz words, ...know exactly wich inmunoglobuline is affected in each one,...know wich kind of infection ( bacterial or fungus or viral ) in each one......know the age that they appear.......
Time of exposure that a pregnan woman is ar risk after being in contact with a kid with Herpez 6 infection.
Pt camping.....rash...allergic to penicilin
P with asma who does not get better with albuterol, and has eczema....what is next...corticoist systemic, or inhaled or cromolin....
Floppy baby
Strawberry muffin rash
Methadone withdraw in newborn

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

2 pt with the slide of sickle cells they ask about mechanism of disease: valina substitution for glutamic acid position 6
pt with basofilic stipling....they tell you that is anemic and microcitic...they ask you the best lead no Fe.
Several ones with B 132 deficiency like pt with gastric surgery in past
Sd. hemolitic uremic. ves. Idiopatic Purpure and Trombocitopenic purpure..and Henoch Sholein

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-17-2007

THAT IS ALL THAT I HAVE GUYS. after doing my went into my car and wrote them down before forgettin and making some time to avoid the new york rush hour at friday night.
1. Make charts.
2. Know what can make diferent one disease from the other one that is very similar
3. Do not neglect the second drug of choice in treatment of disease...they do not ask the first choice....everybody know them...think what if the pt is allergic and special circumstances like children an preganacy.
4. Do not neglecte the lab test.
5....know the exudado vs. trasudate very well in ascitis and pleural effusion.
6. Rashes.....make a list of all the rashes in every single to differentiate them

Now i just have to wait......GL everyone.