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Disappointed US Citizens/GC holders - - ArchivalUser - 05-03-2004

Reality Check

Fellow strugglers,
I propose that we seek our constitutional rights by seeking right to livelihood by informing our respective Governors, Senators, AMA and NRMP requesting to rectify the current preposterus situation of hiring Aliens by granting J1 and H1B visas in such high numbers over permanent US residents, every year for decades.
In America, the right to petition our government for a redress of grievances is an unalienable right?it derives from our faith in a supreme being?an ultimate moral authority from whom we gain our understanding of equality, justice and the rule of law.

Implicit in our first amendment constitutional right to petition our government for a redress of grievances, is the government?s absolute moral and legal obligation to respond honestly and completely to the people?s petition.
Our List of Common Grievances are as follows:

We petition that the Hospital Residency positions should be offered to the the Citizens/Green Card holders first as these positions are federally funded.
J1 visas in such high numbers to aliens who contravenes their oath to return to their country that they provide through their Governments needs to be investigated over the decades.This practice needs to be transparent by providing the statistical fiqures as to numbers of J1 visa physicians returned to their country and how many of these were accommodated by J1 waiver.Such blatant collusion for revenue raising interested parties must stop until the US citizens/GC holders are accommodated.
Same labour laws be applied in the Medical appointments like in all other appointments,for granting H1B visa that is job only goes to Aliens if there is no Citizen/Green Card holder is available.
That the current practice of appointing Residents in Hospitals is discriminatory to the Citizens/Permanent residents of USA.
Whoever is suffering under current practise of granting J1 and H1 B visas over the GC holders/Citizens must write such a petition to State Governors and Senators to seek their rights.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004

vasc tech

in a lighter vein, if it was last year i would have opposed ur thought, cos i was on hib, but this yr i support you cos i have a green card. go for it, so that i can find radiology residency for my meagre scores and multiple attempts. i didnt mean to make pun of ur writing...., u definetely have a point and i agree with it. but if u look at it, this country is like a "melting pot" and accepts everyone who walks in, unlike other nations. may be thats the reason why this country is so great. but u know what ,go for it, so that i can become a radiologist in this country. good luck and iam with u.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004


There was a lot of rhetoric there so let's try to sort through it.

Are you implying that despite being preferred by virtually every hospital in the USA, you still cannot compete with foreign medical grads?

Is that what I'm hearing?

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004


To Curious,
Basically ,that's what happened most of the time. How can a US citizen, freshly grad. compete with senior FMGs who have millions yrs of clinical exp?

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004


If some FMG has millions years of clinical experience equals million years of graduation time since med school which means he will not be considered for the match

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004

Boris -

With all due respect, America is the land of opportunity and EVERYONE who comes here works extremely hard to reach his goal. America does not discriminate - America just takes the best and respects the best. I went through 7 years of training here and can tell you that Program Directors have no interest to take an AMG or an FMG. Many simply do not care - they care that they take the BEST. If you are not one of them, I am sorry, you have to improve. May be some AMGs do not work hard enough.

(On the second note - most FMGs DO go back and help to built a better health care systems in their respective countries - decreasing American expenditures indirectly)

(On the third note - I have a GC, but never felt like the author of the original letter).


Boris Vinogradsky, MD
General Surgery
Cleveland, OH

Russian American Medical Association

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004


The only people that are discouraging the original writer of this message are those who have the privildge of being already a doctor or into residency. They feel it their arrogant right to say such depressing words and think they are better than us (myself too). Unfortunately they do not realize that we are also human beings like themselves, they have passed through all the same steps that we are passing through, but the diffrence is that we are STUCK and can't get to that height that these people are now. And now that they are where we are trying to reach ; they either do not want to look back at us or are looking with all the arrogance they could have learned from the people around. We, GC holders work ahrd to make our ends meet, take loans to apply for ERAS and for interviews and in the end because of low scores and negative feedbacks from other residents in interview, do not make it; getting more deeply involved into the vicious circle. PDs do not want to waste their prcious time of private practice, looking at the applications of low scores individuals, who have done almost equal hard work to get to that point as compared to everyone else. Scores alone should not be a criteria and neither do a GC. BUT somebody needs to give consideration to those who have spent their lives to get to this point and have hit a WALL.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004

Die Hard

there has to be a balance, there is overflow of H ,,,,,,guys we are not against H 1 but we are against the fact that they are just chosen for scores which is lame, we all wotrk hard, is the criteria good enough, there is lotta bias towards freshgrads and scores, which is not correct, becoz we all go thru so much struggle diuring our 20s thats oiur life;s major things get affected,,,,not alll can make it to big scores and big scores doent mean good doctors yes they do account alot to our knowledge but how much does any of the PD remembers physiology is the question...
this is lame,,,,there needs to be a correction inn the number of H and J1s offered its not correct.
on side of truth not becoz i am a citizen but the fact is there has to be a stop to immigration when countries won citixzens dont have jobs.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004

Rob A

One of the reasons the United States is such a center of excellence, in so many ways, is because it has been more meritocratic than many other places.

As one case in point, on average, FMGs do worse on the USMLEs than AMGs do. I feel the ones who excel deserve some credit.

Also, many programs are known, for whatever reason, to not hire many (or any) FMGs. Again, the FMGs are disadvantaged.

I'd also say this, if it weren't for FMGs working in certain hospitals (in the Bronx, for example), who would fill those positions?

Some programs prefer recent graduates, perhaps because they may be more trainable. In this case, older graduates lose out, whether FMG or not.

I feel for anyone who does not get into a program of their choice. It is not the end of the line though.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-04-2004


guys the things are not as straight as you are talking,,,,,there are many IMGs who are program directors now and they do take IMGs,,,,,,yes US has been country for hardworkers, that means they will through away their citizens who got low scores?
i dont think so,,,