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26 y/o lady with c/o Nausea and vomiting? - silentobserver1 - Printable Version

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26 y/o lady with c/o Nausea and vomiting? - silentobserver1 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

A 26 y/o lady comes to your office with c/o early morning nause and vomiting. you check her urine pregnancytest and that is positive. As a part of routine prenatal testing which of the following is not required

A. Blood Sugar
B. Cervical Swab for Gonnorhea
C. Atypical Ab titer
D. Rubella Ab titer
E. HbsAg serum

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

B--------only for high risk

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

Everything else should be tested.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

A. is ur plausible answer.

Pneumonic for first trimester testing. May help u in CCS. CACTUS
C.. cbc
A.. antibodies for rubella, antigen for hbsag
C cervical smear (PAP)
T Typing of blood
U urine.. bacteria, ketone, sugar, leucocytes
S STDs cervical culture and VDRL

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

goodnews, everyone is @ high risk for this. Smile
Ask 3H how it is in Vegas... Smile

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

it should be tested 24-28 wks.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

betso, lol
I dont mind you refer somebody to me, but unknowingly, you have insulted somebody else.
If it is Las Vegas, you need to ask Hypersexual and sir steve, before I say anything.
They are my Vegas "guru"

My answer to this Q is A
You do blood glucose during 24-28 weeks, not at first visit, I think !!

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

Ups, sorry!
Never meant to insult Hypersexual or Sir Steve as they are surely very knowledgeable concerning this topic. Smile

And... you guys are right. A is the answer.
Sugar is tested only in urine in the first prenatal diagnostics routine.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008


0 - ArchivalUser - 05-05-2008

guys the answer is B.................Coz as Goodnews correctly said we do it only in high risk HCV Ab etc

Also keep looking for indications for first time Blood Sugar check. It is not always 24 to 28th month.........

Age > 25
Previous child > 4000g
F Hx of DM
Previous still born child
Previous child with congenital defect
recurrent spontaneous abortion