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Is it true?? Does anyone know??!!!! - usimg - Printable Version

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Is it true?? Does anyone know??!!!! - usimg - ArchivalUser - 09-02-2008

I am not applying this year so it doesn't affect me but I do have a lot of friends who are applying this year who are IMGs. I also have several friends who are in many many IMG friendly programs and the information I am getting from them is that all across the country there is a lot to talk in many many IMG residency programs to try to hire a USIMG. This was the reason that last year also there were so few interviews and it is expected to be worse for IMGs requiring visas. I know this doesn't affect me any at all as I am a USIMG but it still saddens me if it is in fact true because I have several friends who have worked really hard, paid so much, and coming to USA to give CS and are then spending so much money applying! I DON'T THINK IT IS FAIR!! Also, almost EVERY USIMG that I know (about 22) got into residency last year either by way of a pre-match or match. (Most were given pre-matches however) Average scores of these Usimg's were in the low to mid 80s and 2 were accepted into FM with scores in the 70s!!!!

REASONS: (what my friends who are in residency programs told me from what they have been hearing in their departments from PDs, PCs and other faculty)

1. ENGLISH language; They are starting to look for people who speak very good English even if they have lower scores. Spanish is a plus also.

2. VISAS: In the past several people have not been able to come back on time which puts extra stress on the rest of the class. When a person is a few months late then the rest of the class suffers, etc. Some have not even been able to come back at all leaving the programs to then again try to fill that spot.
Also they will look at a candidate with H-1 more strongly as these physicians will get a path to green cards and will stay in the States. (Some departments are just plain rednecks with this mentality that if USA is spending money to train these doctors then USA should get benefit)
Also mostly the J-1s are the ones getting the biggest kick as it is mainly their positions that the USIMGs are taking.

These seem to be an understood and unspoken policies that is increasing all over the country.

Again, this is the information that I am getting from several friends of mine who are currently in residencies and come from programs all over the States, however, most are from the east coast. These friends are very much concerned about these unwritten policies and have also seen more and more USIMGs getting accepted in their programs over the years then IMGs requiring visas. One program coordinator that I know personally due to my friend being there is only downloading applications first for people who will not require visas, then she said she will download those who have passes step 3. She is not planning on even downloading any one requiring j-1, although she said she may if they have 99s and can speak great english.

Has anyone also heard this or have friends in residencies who are telling them this?? This doesn't affect me, in fact it would be good for me even, BUT I still don't think it is fair although I do agree with a very crucial point that anyone who applies should speak excellent English. One more thing is that just on the basis on fluency of English the programs immediately strike off candidates from being even considered in the final decision for the match in one of my friend's program.

All this to me is very concerning and unfair for so many people have gone through hell to get ECFMG certified and have spent so much money that they did not have and are now in big debt. So many have gotten divorced. It would be a shame if they couldn't realize their dreams now!

This make me sick!!!!!! If this is indeed true then like last year there is a possibility that there won't be many interviews this year either. Some are predicting that it will be worse. What do you think?