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form 4.... jst 500 - umarfarooqkhan - Printable Version

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form 4.... jst 500 - umarfarooqkhan - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

i took form 4 today and i am shocked at my result only 500....i wasnt expecting this exam is day after tommorow, i was so slow, i couldnt keep up wth the pace of the test, somehow..... i guess i have the fatigue to blame aswell as i havent been able to sleep well for the last two weeks, i'll try to get a good sleep tonight and try form 2 tommorow morning jst to see whether it was fatigue tht caused such a bad score or am i really headed for a disaster...i ll post my form 2 score tom aswell.......

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

ull be fine man...

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

i havnt taken exam if u r struggling with time in nbme..time is ur main problem in fast

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

dont worry about ur score in nbme....thats just confidence booster if u score good...

u need not feel that u r heading for a disaster based on nbme score...i know many people who scored reverse of their nbme has high specificity , but poor sensitivity for 99...

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

hey joji99989, harsh, sucessor, dream88 thankyou all for such great encouragement, i think you are all those guys who are gona take the test in the next few weeks, my advise plz plz do the nbme forms in timed mode, i posted a lot of answers as you guys must have seen on the forum to qs and i guess most of the times i was right courtesy the liberty of time to think and rule out each option before narrowing in on the right answer, thts a libert not available on a timed mode i hope you learn out of my experience and perform better than i will, i will definitely post my exam experience, my exam is on thursday, so ill try to post it tht evening, but if i cant cos i am leaving for the US next morning for CS ill definitely post it in a few days when i reach us, anyway my best wishes to all and my heartiest gratitude to all the support and encouragement from you guys, best of luck, may god help us


0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009 wishes for ur exam.......and plz dont worry..u will do great in the exam......
good luck.

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

thanx dream2liv, wow its over-whelming how sincerely everybody wishes the best for whoever is taking the exam , and as i believe you help and think for others as you think for yourself and god helps you too ....thanx again.....

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

umarfarooqkhan all d best...just rock d the thing...

successor u made my day.. got 560 in nbme 1 2 months back...550 in nbme 2...4 days back..paper in about 15 days... was depressed like crazy...with my decline..but i guess its time to rise ...

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

yeah we take the fight to the enemy and be offensive, lolzzzz, it doesent help being we ll all rock the going docjaideep...keep it up...

0 - ArchivalUser - 07-21-2009

Umar you will do well inchallah, no place for negative thinking and or feeling, stay POSITIVE Bro and keep concentrate, you're well prepared. wish you a great score. you will do it...Smile

all the best.