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this is for every1, must read - drharsh - Printable Version

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this is for every1, must read - drharsh - ArchivalUser - 06-05-2010

hi frnds, nw a days there r many thngs in exam is gng to change.
me many times heard that some awkward or newer question is asked frm my frnds.
so i request u to every one that those who have completed the exams jst nt nly give their review bt also post the newer topic whch u have faced in the exam. ando also others who have heard abt any newer topic,
like nw a days i have heard dat newer drugs r gng to seen so keep that one whch was in ur v can go through it once.and if by chance v got the same question than our confidence will be doubled in the exam, i guess
and also try to keep this forum on first page so nt escaped by any1,
keep updating new questions, topics, drugs, bugs, discripation of CT,MRI,etc whch is asked in real exam.this will gng to help a lot.

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-05-2010

in biochem,
COP transport system in golgi apparatus
COp 1 for retrograde transport, frm golgi to ER
COP2 for antergrade transport frm RER to cis-golgi

me heard that question was asked frm this
already given in FA page 82 .

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-05-2010

Gingko is used in the treatment of intermittent claudication

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-05-2010

gud stalimbbs,
details of GINGKO, if u knw

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-05-2010

hey drock and others who r putting questions , also keep this forum active on first page this will gng to help us a lot,

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-05-2010

What Ginkgo Biloba Is Used For???

Ginkgo leaf extract has been used to treat a variety of ailments and conditions, including asthma, bronchitis, fatigue, and tinnitus (ringing or roaring sounds in the ears).
Today, people use ginkgo leaf extracts hoping to improve memory; to treat or help prevent Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia; to decrease intermittent claudication (leg pain caused by narrowing arteries); and to treat sexual dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, tinnitus, and other health conditions.
How Ginkgo Biloba Is Used
Extracts are usually taken from the ginkgo leaf and are used to make tablets, capsules, or teas. Occasionally, ginkgo extracts are used in skin products.

Follow the link of NIH

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-06-2010

Riluzole -inhibits glutamatergic neurotransmission,extends survival of patients with ALS

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-06-2010

Here one disease from KaplanQbank 2010 :Tangier disease due to lack of cholesterol transporter ABCE1, orange yellow tonsills and low level of HDL is pathognomonic

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-06-2010

plezzzzzzzzz friends., keep this active exam ein 2wks!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-06-2010

excuse me ,drharch thankyou v.much it help me alot.................