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Am I the only idiot looking to pass? - trulatin - Printable Version

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Am I the only idiot looking to pass? - trulatin - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2010 I keep reading all these posts, and most ppl are trying to achieve that 99%. They keep stressing out and praying, for that 99%, then when they get it or don' comes as a surprise. So my advice: Just try to do your best, and yes this stupid test doesn't reflect an ounce of your knowledge, it tests your test taking skills, and honestly endurance.

Quit freaking out on the NEW Test Format, like I tell tests the same SH*# just all convoluted and in some weird way. I am taking my test last week in June, and yes, Im freaking out, yes I have HIGH TEST ANXIETY, and YES I SUCK @ Biochem, and NEURO out of all subjects, but these last few weeks, those are my FAV! lol

So, yeah I want a good score, but Im not gonna be all stressing over a 260/99, hell no....not me,....I mean sure it can be done with like a MIRACLE, but Im trying to be realistic and just pass this damn thing. I then have to go and do an internship which will cost $75K..... : (

I hope and pray I get a good "grade" score if you will, but just be happy once you pass. Yes Im not ignorant that a good step score is imperative for the sought after residencies, but Im hoping my score, personality and determination will get me that Internal Medicine-Oncology residency.

To all of you.....Best of luck, and on your test date, "May the GUESSING GODS be with you" on those questions that you are like WTF are they asking!


0 - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2010

Buena suerte en tu examen.....Wish u 99 or 89 Smile

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2010

hey ... relax ... you'll be fine . even though , i have the very same thoughts , as you do .
just keep going ...

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2010

Gracias! I just want this crap to get done and over with....ha ha.....

Y para todos los LATINOS/LATINAS.....BUENA SUERTE! Go 2 El Spiritu Santo & ask for the WISDOM, STRENGTH, and Buena Suerte....n tell tu grandma que te de una "Lavada con el HUEVO" to get the "malos espiritos out" ROFL (Sorry I have to do something with my down time)....ha ha.

Hell I was so close to going to one of those "Curanderas" Lmao....toda DESPERATE....lmao.

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2010

Eres santero (a)???

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2010

Huh? Que? Santera? Wtf is that? LMAO.....

Im Catholic....I dunno. lol

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2010


We are all frustratrated about this exam, but my advice is never rushing to take the exam to "get over with". I learnt a hard way.
Wish you luck with your exams.

0 - ArchivalUser - 06-11-2010

LOL en la santeria se practica mucho la limpia con un huevo o pedazo de carne para alejar malos espiritus....
It may work we should try it before the exam Wink