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is the whole process fair and transparent ???????? - sheetal - Printable Version

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is the whole process fair and transparent ???????? - sheetal - ArchivalUser - 08-27-2010

its said,along with good credentials, its luck that plays a major role in getting u an invite
Almost all IMG friendly programs get an average of 2k-3k applications each season..its TRUE and simply humanly not possible that they will review all of them, they review only a few hundreds and out of these few hundreds select candidates for interview while discard the rest

Now the question is which applications do they review and select candidates for interview from??

whether they pick applications for review randomly or review them in order they are piled up.......but in which order are applications sorted out and come in front of PD/PC one by one in order ?? they are sorted out in order of AAMC ID,grad year,scores ? or alphabetical order or sorted out in chronological order they are submitted ( wow then i must say a delay of seconds wil make a difference and a few minutes delay will drag u down the que behind 500+ applicants Smile wont that be unfair as u will completely miss out the magic number till which applications will be reviewed, even if u a 999999 ?

which of the few hundred applications do they review out of the 3-4 thousands submitted,
is it here that filters come into play ? its ur luck how u make it thru all these filters and pop up loud on PDs computer screen that hey look am a good match for ur program so come on dude gimme a call Smile

But again question is how can a filter be set for amount and quality of USCE, for quality of LoRs, or for quality of personal statement and your truely inspiring story of professional growth,sheer hard work and a great purpose ??

what if u hav a low score on just a single step, or u beyond 5 yrs grad cut off (but hav continuous good quality clinical activity), and rest you have an excellent outstanding whole application package, a good statement of purpose and very good quality LoRs, but because of a just a single low score or grad yr u r filtered out and u cudnt make to the PDs eyes ??

isnt the whole process completely blind and unfair ?
is this the reason contacts play such big role ?

what u guys think ??

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-27-2010

Hey Sheetal

I am exactly thinking on the same grounds as you... and I am indeed very much worried. The system is NOT transparent.. If you go to previous years match postings .. you will figure out hell lot of discrepancies... LUCK plays a major major role!

I know it is tough for many of us... We are behind this leaving our jobs.. OR leaving most of our other activities... No fun.. It has been more than a year for me now.. simple fun in life is all gone!

I do have weaknesses in my application..." filterable" weaknesses... and yeah some plus points.. BUT dont know if they will be considered at all...! In case of results of steps... It used to anxiety .. which mounts towrds the exact date of the step or the result wednesday.. But in this case It is eternal anxiety... It is soo much shooting in the dark.. People have received invites starting from 2nd September till 20th of Jan and some even in Feb.. So never know when It happens.. How do i hold back/save on my finances.. family.. No idea.. ! I have never faced anything like this in Life and It is freaking the hell out of me guys!

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-27-2010

@ sheetal:

I feel the entire system is unfair. But why has it been unfair? IMGs have only made that thing possible. It is such a difficult thing to go over 2k applications and they are forced to screen. But remember if you have good credentials you can always make to good programs where they see entire profile and not just 99s, or just contacts! If one believes in God, I would say its entirely in HIS hands. And we should believe that best will only happen, no matter if you get prematched, matched or was for your good only and with this hope we should now apply..

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2010

none if it makes any sense.
u just put ur apps out there, and leave it to god.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2010

If u introspect, many things are unfair around us. That does not mean we should withdraw from our efforts. Despite everything many have got matched before, and I believe many got it without contacts like many of us. So I will keep my hope alive, go ahead and apply. Rest, as others said, in his hand, and if I don't succeed , will understand it was not for me, I don't deserve it. GL to all.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2010

well to start with, they may have cutoffs, hence lessen the applications to review. then any other criteria not satisfied. then they read through and pick the ones they like. they pick also their likely candidates they'll offer and a few more to fill in the ranking position, then they are offered interviews plus a few other applications they have found to be of some interest and want to see the applicants if he or she can offer something more. then there are the other applicants who have connections, they fall into one of the above or both.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2010

i did some extraordinary service to a pd to get this information hahahaha

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2010

say the process were not to involve picking by pd directors or program, and that it is left for a lottery like stuff or to pick the more qualified ones. if it's the lottery kind, it would be unfair for the highly qualified applicants. if it is picking the more qualified ones, none of the 75 - 90 would ever get into residency, all the 90s would fill the places. this would be a disadvantage to the amgs with such score. also it would be a disadvantage too to those old grads but pose are highly qualified with experience and but whom may stand to offer more in terms of their level of skills and experiences and which may contribute to the pool of medical knowledge. so a particular personnel is set out to sort these stuff out. along with these comes connection, comes bias, comes all sort of stuff this kinda thing is subjected to. they are supposed to select out these people, say those who have low scores without much experience or some sort of medical work to boost their resume, and not offer them a place - till may be the next years match or the year afters match, by that time they would be working on resume building and such to make their application look attractive

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2010

not that everyone would be lucky to get a place. gone are the days where there were more places then applicants. some of us has to bare this saddened part of residency application, if your application looks attractive then you should be hoping for a chance, if not then don't get your hopes up. this doesn't mean that application shouldn't be send, it's open for everyone who's ecfmg certified and we should apply, who knows we might get lucky despite the odds

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2010

*sob* *sob* i have become emotional after these postings