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Why third world hags are hated? - asifali - Printable Version

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Why third world hags are hated? - asifali - ArchivalUser - 04-10-2011

They will come to USA by selling their own homes and start preaching from the next morning that theirs is the richest country on the earth! You confront them by telling the truth, they will report abuse and get your thread deleted or locked down! The first step to solve any problem is to accept that there is a problem! These hags are either in eternal denial or absolute bunch of hypocrites! No wonder they are treated like slumdog millionaires and arse licking slaves. It is not my problem any more. The only thing that irritates me is people judge you by your skin colour, not by the skin thickness. Rhino skin would appear like velvet if compared to South East Asian skins. I come from there but regrettably with a much more sensitive skin! I am almost always bracketed with the same lot; and I suffer in silence! Life sucks!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-10-2011

I know one retard from one of those s*itty places who keeps complaining about British women not wearing burqa and exposing their body parts !! He came to UK by selling his house one year ago and now wants the Brits to live according to his mediaeval, barbaric terms!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-10-2011

As you yourself have said.. the first step to solve any problem is to accept that there is a problem. I am sure there are many good psychiatric institutes in whatever place you now consider to be yours. Go to one of them . So this one guy bothers you , big deal..
What makes me actually feel sorry for you is that you are one of those loosers who dont have the balls to say anything in real life and take out their anger and frustration on forums like these.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-10-2011

I am not joking, but I really agree with you…This is the pattern of third world country, including mine to certain extent. You are absolutely correct when people do NOT want to admit the problem, but they have to “pretend” and in top of that exaggerate of how they worked in the biggest hospitals and how they are coming form rich families and how they graduated from the “most famous universities”….Who care share anyway…I have to agree on this one with you also.Atleast, you are telling it the way it is ..Now people will attack you and called you names ,but that only shows that they didn’t “leave the 3ld world mentality here “ but they are caring it with them. We have beautiful things from our origin cultures, but they are things that we can learn form here..I live here more than a decade. I had been around the world and I had been in India, but what I have seen is totally opposite of what they are preaching to us here…I was not even allow to talk to people on the street bc they are “beggars”. Instead to admire people on the street who try to make a living by making bread and rice, they put their own people down…I got “joy bangla “ for 2 weeks ,but the eye doctor didn’t want to charge me bc of professional courtesy.Well,you don’t find this thing here.They are good and bad people everywhere ,but the fact is that those or our former countries need it to “put up” on a show for so long, that it is hard for them to behave any different.So,you are absolutely correct with this view in my opinion..
Cio my friend,

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-10-2011

No,the finalfrontier.I disagree with you.
Psychiatry is my field and Asifali doesn’t need any psychiatric counseling. He knows who he is and He knows what He can and what He can’t. He is just flat open and “tired” like me of this BS all the time and zig-zag personality .Now ,instead all of you to look into yoru self, you are attacking Him bc He has an opinion. In my opinion he is right and in your opinion he is wrong.Well,it is ok,but why you need to sent Him to a psych doctor??
After all ,you are a doctor and going to a shrink is ok…or you have this stigma that all people going to a shrink are crazy.Well,if you are that kind, better go back to your own land.
Opinions can go either way –right or wrong. The truth is in the eye of the beholder. We are all in U.S and we can express our self’s, but why each time we disagree ,we need to call people names and sent them to psych doctors…this shows that you are NOT ready for CIVILIZE WORLD.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-10-2011

@antonella.. i never said that only wackos like asif ali go to the shrink. thats an assumption that you make by urself.. oh so its bad for us to say anything to him but its ok for him to express his "opinion" by abusing our countries..?

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-10-2011

asifali can go to hell and so can you.

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-10-2011

bczo you are idiotic enough to encourage that wacko to keep going on and on.. An Indian who thinks he is a Britisher.. I would say a looser then , and an even bigger looser now !!

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-11-2011

Thanks a lot! Remember what George Bernard Shaw said, ''If you are going to tell them the truth, make sure that you make them laugh; otherwise they will kill you''!! They will never accept that they have a real problem in their s*ithole places!! Futile effort!

Alright, alright, I'm sorry! India is the best country on the planet, the richest of all....Indians rule everywhere (very common phrase used by Indians)...except in India..all Indian problems are caused by Pakistanis.....and despite hailing from the best nation on the planet, you sell your mothers to come to USA or west in general!! Understood!!
(Learn how to spell 'loser'!! 'Lose' is not the same as 'Loose'!! What a haggard!! And by the way, I never say I'm British. I always make a point by saying that I have a British passport. That's why I say morons shouldn't try to grow intellect!!)

0 - ArchivalUser - 04-11-2011

'Morons shouldn't try to grow an intellect.'

Yet, here you are. Paki.