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The EXAM is DOABLE-this is my 5 cents - antonella - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

Hi Folks,
Well, let get to the pint w/o boring you to death.
What books-Kaplan is MORE than ENOUPH.I took Live Lecture of Step 1 that are worthwhile for me to know of what to FILTER from the Kaplan Books.
I watched the video’s long time ago. I start studying on and off from last February-March. I can’t study more than 2 hours a day. It was some days that I did 10-12 hours with a SP.I like to understand concepts which helped me a lot in the exam. I mess up some “stupid” and easy points of pharm direct questions.
The exam is VERY douable.Everything is there, you have to be a good detective and JUST grabbed. This exam is VERY CLINICALLY ORIENTED and I am not sure of how medical students do it bc they are many things very, very clinical in my opinion. There are question straight forward and the most of the questions are kind of 3 step questions. You have to make a diagnosis in your brain, than know the drug and what the MOA is.Pathology is everywhere with balanced biochem and pharm and physio and not many Behavioral (sad for me) and balanced embryology and histology and neuro and gross anatomy.
Nothing is OFF the ROAD and not known concept except few questions. I did UW last year and this March ONLY pathology and pharm questions. I did one time (not everything) FA.I didn’t do NMBE neither. I didn’t study 3 weeks before the exam due to other distractions in Life. Actually, I couldn’t wait to take the exam. I feel pretty good, but I know that I could have done it better!
E, well, COULD OF, WOULD OF, SHOULF OF, will NOT help me.
Now, UNCLE GOLJAN is God, especially the HIGH YIELD FACTS. Everything is IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, whoever is MAKING this EXAM not doable or “HARD –HARD” –it is combination of CONCEPTS FIRST, than FACTS and then APPLICATION and then to be FOCUS on the exam and be fast in your thinking.
To be honest, I toke one Adderall 10 mg in the morning and another one at noon and it really made a difference, at least for me.Around 11:30 my brain was all over and I had trouble staying on task, but Adderall did the trick. I toke one Advil 250 mg and one loratidine (I have allergies).
Any questions welcome..

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

congrates for done with this mad exam....
you will get a high score hopefully...
could u plz post some topics which u got in the ques and
CT MRI those u got in ur exam plz.....

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

This was exactely my thinking about the exam .
questions are strait forward . lot of time a did even not read all choises . I just knowed what they want .
there was few question when i understud the concept but not the question what they want here . so i read the qustion and i tried to make relation between buzz word and the choises. Im sure I got the rigt answer many time.
Goljan is godddd that's sure. I think he knows all exam question ...
as antonella said every think about patahlogy and some biochem and pharm and genetic is theire . I recommand to read it twice...
good luck Antonella. waiting time is longggggggg.....

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

Yes I agree with you Borderline. Whatever you have in Anatomy Kaplan CT and MRI is that...not much not matter what MRI or CT will give ya..if you understand that Kaplan Anatomy CT and MRI-you will answer any question for sure...
Sometimes we get OCD with unnecessary things, really, so we forget the main easy topics..
Endocrine is much more than gastro and equal in respiratory and cardiac physiology...
Biochemistry -read uncle Goljan and Kaplan is plenty....
Anatomy-uncle Goljan and Kaplan...I had my own notes from class and whatever Dr.White or whatever his name was for neuroanathomy-was there word by word-amazing...
I have note form Dr.Kudrath biostatistics and whatever he said was in there..( I had Him for CK).
I listen twice to Dr.Fadem (for CK and step 1 ) and that is more that we need to know..
Dr.Barone is good for general pathology and uncle Goljan for the REST..
Micro is more than enouph from Kaplan(I listen to Dr.Ruebush twice on Life Lectures )..
I am audio learner and visual...
Biochemistry -Dr Turco and Dr.Lane (especially) with the bichem disorders...
Dr.Fisher is great with endocrine and GASTRO physio---whatever he said is in there...
CV and Respiratory Physio from the author is better than Dr.Fisher..
Immuno-I never read it-no problem with the immuno disorders (learned from peds )..
Pharm -one fellow from Hungary came to teach Pharm and HE IS second best after the Lionel !!
Histology-Kaplan is the best!!
Pathology-equal distributions of all systems…
Pharmacology-everything is thrown in there …
I didn’t notice much of pathophysiology.....
It was like a game-OK what is next...I had about 10 min left and one block about 18min,but alwasy I had some flag questions that I went over it...
What else ???
Nothing much,but let's see many weeks we need to WAIT??

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

At least 3 weeks Antonella . Max 7 or 8 weeks.
usually on wensdays.
but I saw somewhere that thre will be a delay for people who will take the exam after 15 may .. they will get theire result on july 13.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011


U mean Goljan 100 HY pages or audio or RR or what?

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

Hi Sara,
HY 100 pages...

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

I meant RR (600 pages )
and the audio.

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

The 100 pages are the KEY...

0 - ArchivalUser - 05-06-2011

Pls can some1 send me Goljan 100 pages my Id is storehouse004 I'l be really grateful..Thanks!