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personal statement help - sarada - Printable Version

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personal statement help - sarada - ArchivalUser - 08-12-2011

hi guys..
I am looking for best personal statement links which edit my personal statement.If anyone of you guys used any on line personal statement services for payment will you forward the useful links to me.
thank you in advance

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-12-2011

give me i edit your personal statement at a cost of $50usd

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-12-2011

j i m AT j a m e s p s h e l l e y DOT com

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-12-2011

hahahahaha zolda i replied first ptpepa

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-12-2011

can't believe i have entered into business competition on the first day

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-12-2011

You haven't.

What is your website address? Where can people go to learn more about you and your services?

By the way... the word "Can't" should be capitalized, as should "I". And a period is requisite for closing out a sentence. Is this what someone can expect for the $40, $50, $60 or whatever you charge for a personal statement edit? What are your qualifications? How many revisions do you allow for your fee? What is the turnaround time for a personal statement or edit? Do you employ a registry of writers, or do you author your own material? What if someone is dissatisfied with your work? What would be your remedies?

How many personal statements have you authored, edited, or engineered? How many of your "clients" have enjoyed admission to their residency? What is your process for engineering a personal statement? How many clients do you serve a month? What is the mix of your personal statement clients (i.e. surgery, family practice, internal medicine, etc.?

Just a few questions that every candidate should be asking whether they decide to employ services for $50 or $200.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-12-2011

m e d h e l p At L i v e D o t C o m

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-13-2011

I have been following the recent back and forths regarding personal statements. I will defend no one, but I have used Jame's service in anticipation of my residency application.

Mr. Shelley was quite forthcoming in his approach to preparing my personal statement in that he advised that having someone, or a company, completely prepare the statement was unethical and, quite likely, illegal. At the very least he advised me that to have someone write the statement on my behalf, without my active collaboration, could compromise my entire residency application.

Mr. Shelley presented me with a variety of questions designed to compel me to commit to paper my thoughts, ideas, goals, and objectives as they related to the personal statement requirements. He presented me with a draft document that, incredibly, summarized my exact position. Yes, I did tell him what I would like different on the document, and he was very receptive in receiving my recommendations. The final document was very well done, and his fee was worth every penny.

Was our collaboration successful? Yes. I since have completed my residency. While Mr. Shelley refused credit for the attainment of my goal, I credit him with allowing me to sleep well while my application was being reviewed. Whether or not the personal statement was the determinant factor in a committee's decision to grant me residency is irrelevant. Knowing that I had presented a solid document caused me to rest assured that all would work out in the end. It did.

As I have been reading the threads, which appear to be between Mr. Shelley and another, and after contacting three other individuals offering the same service, I questioned the fees suggested by them. I simply cannot believe that a quality service can be offered for $50. Even $100. After spending a significant amount of my own money on my training, in addition to many loans, I was not deterred by Mr. Shelley's fees, especially when compared to the opportunity I desired. Of particular interest was the comment that one writer "was starting his business and offering low prices to attract customers. Now, I'm no rocket scientist (I'm a surgeon), but one thing I recall when I spoke with Mr. Shelley was that he never took on more work than he himself could handle, he never outsourced any of his work, and he assured me that by operating in that manner his clients were assured a quality product. I fail to understand how his competitors can deliver a quality service if they're juggling far too many clients at one time.

Of further note, I was quite impressed by Mr. Shelley's website. His philosophy about serving his clients was the over-riding message. That he hasn't reduced, or raised his rates, in years illustrates to me that he "walks the walk", and won't discount his fees to ridiculous levels just to attract business. For the life of me I can't fathom how someone can provide his level of service for $50. Absent from this forum are his full advertisements wherein one was fully informed of his services. I truly believe Mr. Shelley is in business to serve his clients. That is his day job. He is self-employed and has been since he drafted my personal statement (2009).

In one of his posts he raises a variety of questions one should be asking their writer/editor. When I wrote the other people offering statement services I received generic responses less designed to discover my objectives, and more designed to encourage quick payment. I found no comfort in that.

Again, I am writing this only to raise awareness among my colleagues about the importance of the personal statement, and to encourage discussion. In closing, I referred four of my associates to use Mr. Shelley and, coincidentally or not, all were granted admission to their respective residencies.

I'll let you draw your own conclusion.

You are welcome to contact me for contact information for James, if you are unable to locate it on this forum.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-14-2011

Dear Anson,

Could you please give me the contact information for Mr.Shelley. Is Mr.Shelley..i mean is his complete name is James Shelley

My email is pragati_jain16


33333555 - ArchivalUser - 08-15-2011
Take help from Marci and tell her that Indu has asked you get help from you.