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My experience with AmeriClerkship - freewill - Printable Version

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My experience with AmeriClerkship - freewill - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2011

My experience with AmeriClerkship
I would like to post my experience with AmeriClerkship rotations. When I first contacted them they told me about their ( externship in a teaching hospital ).
I paid them the money. First they asked me to send them my USMLE reports , my diploma , immunization , Then they made me to take some online courses like BLS and First aid ( all of that just to show you that you are going to a real and serious experience ).

In any event , they refused to give me the name of the hospital except of a week before the rotation began.

On May 25th I received an email from them giving me a name of the attending physian and an address for his clinic !!!!!!

When I went their , I figured out the nature of their rotation. It's just a private clinic experience . You just sit in a crowded clinic (There were about 15 of us in one small clinic ), you cannot take full history or PE. just a breif one. Some of the patients know about us so they don't cooperate at all.

Anyhow I don't care about all of that. My only concern was the teaching hospital AmeriClerkship guarnteed for me. The hospital was another frustrating surprise for me. It's just going with your attending once a week ( If you are so lucky ) , because the attending don't go their that much and he has to choose only 2 of the students to go with him.
The hospital rotations were very quick and useless . They were a follow up for patients you don't know their full history. The attending of course has no time and wants to go back to his clinic as soon as possible. So whatever you try to know about those patients he wouldn't tell you a lot . You wouldn't be able to meet the residents , the program directors. You attending do not go to the ground round so if you'd like to do that you have to do it by yourself. You cannot use the hospital library. In brief, you would be a like a theif in that hospital.

My advise to you all is to find a free obsevership in a hospital. By this way you will keep your money, you will have an official USCE and there is a pretty much chance that you'll get to know the PE ( maybe a LOR ) .

Please do not be tricked by Dr.Mizani's or Molly Fraser nice words. AmeriClerkship is a big scam. They are very active in USMLE forums so wherever there is a topic about them they get in with different fake Nicknames to tell a fake stories about the fabulous experience they had with AmeriClerkship.

Oh I forgot to tell you about the BLS and FA courses , They didn't tell me that I have to take the practical part. I knew that from a friend here and I had to take the practical part and to pay for it again.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2011

thats true

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2011

It cost me about $4000 for 3 months. It was just a waste of time and money.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-28-2011

That's right.

Another big scam is that their rotations are considered illegal at the U.S border, but they don't tell you. They should have at least told me not to mention their rotations as a reason for entering the U.S. They went to my country to advertise their service. I paid them, then they gave me a letter of enronment. When I applied for a visa to enter the U.S for the rotations and showed the U.S officer the letter of enronment. I got rejected because the officer told me that I'm not allowed to do clerkships in the U.S. Now I have a history of refusal in U.S immigration record and my money is still in Americlerkship 's pocket . Their refund policy is a rip off. They minus almost all of the money you paid them for their service costs. This is my painful experience with Americlerkships and I would like to let all of you know so that you can avoid them.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-29-2011

Canvi , I have a friend who had the same experience with Americlerckship. He paid them first then he couldn't get the visa.
My message to all people here , please stay away from this scam.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-29-2011


I had exactly the same experience with them.They are bunch of crook people.Their bussiness title is Ameri"CLERCKSHIP" but there is not such a service at all.They only misuse foreign desperate graduates for making money about weekly 500 $.I am reporting them to California bureau of investigation.there are many complains about them.
Dont listen to them and get your money back.There is many free or very low price clinical rotation in GA or IL which they send poeple there (or around the states if you look for).

Good Luck

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-29-2011


0 - ArchivalUser - 08-29-2011

I completely agree with what you say, I had more horrible experience included a delay > 2 months . and a very stupid attendings in ghetteo . u can start looking by your self and I will be glad to help.

0 - ArchivalUser - 08-29-2011


0 - ArchivalUser - 08-29-2011

thanks for sharing your experience.............ppl are spending so much in the name of "Hands On"
observership in a gud residency hospital is much bettr thn these. atleast u get to know ppl in the program and get gud lors.