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important question - raymond - Printable Version

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important question - raymond - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2005

while applying for residencies patsy is mentioning,how important is research as far as basic science research is concerned vs a proper research program?
Secondly if a research does accept you to work with them as a voluteer,what are the chances that they give u good LORs and change your status to a paid employee?
Thirdly,if u r doing volunteer research ,the actual agreement is about 9 to 5 work hours,in order to get good LORs I know I have to put extra hours but what should exactly be the limit?Is finishing an assignment in time is more important or staying long hours to show your stupid face to research cordinator works better?
Guys I really need serious replies..but if u wanna mix humor,well just dont forget to help me with some advice along with the humor..I would really appreciate.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2005

anybody knows?I have to decide by weekend.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2005

Personally I started out as a volunteer. 15 hours/wk(5hrs/day). Then I approached the lead investigator and told her that i needed some money for transport, abit of food and sanitary towels. They started paying me!! You see most of these research projects receive a lot of funding. giving you $100-150 is not much. you gotta ask though!

It is even unethical for them to ask you to sign an agreement "stating that you would many hours for an LOR!" unless of course i misunderstood your post.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2005

No u got it right dear.I am asked to actually apply as an applicant in the research program.After an interview,If they decide to give me that position,(which is more of a sympathy favour than actually a professional selection)..They will most probably not pay me anything as they are doing a favour by letting me in.But Ireally want to earn for the hard work how should I go about it?I mean just ask them upfront at the interview or do that after 6 months or so...and secondly should I tell them before hand that I want this research just for lors and I will leave next year or two for applying for the residency slots...although my research term may not be complete!

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2005

Mistake brother.. never tell any one you will be leaving soon. You love research, and that is what you want to do for the rest of your life!!! Then tell them what you can do for them & what you know. For instance you graduated from medical school abroad and are very well versed with medical terms so you wont have a problem understanding cells, molecules and blah blah blah. You hope to sit for your USMLE exams & enter a residency & when you complete come back to the research field-which you love so much. As far as USMLE those are a series of difficult exams that you have to do and as of now you have not yet worked that one out but you hope it will. throw in... that it may take years for me to do that.

Then only and only when they hire/accept you will you talk about pay. volunteering etc. For now you want to get into the door. If they take you towards the direction of volunteering dont commit to many hours. put in a few. saying you need the rest to find a job. but oh how you love research! then the few hours you are there impress them.... it will do the trick. They willwant you to be around more and pay you..........

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2005

oh i forgot. once you impress these people. the LORS will be automatic. you will tell them that do you remember when i mentioned USMLE. well things worked out sooner than i expected. can you please recommend me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2005

One thing more nyendo.I donot have a visa problem.I think my only drawback will be that I wont be able to give as many extra hours as I have heard bcz of my personal reasons.Is it possible that during the time that I am working there I actually impress them with my skills..
and the BIG thing bothering me is that as a medical graduate I really know nothing about practical lab work.I mean PCR and mice,I am not sure if I would be able to go the first day and have my hands on all these skills which r actually what my job is going to be.
and one more thing,do u think that basic research is better than proper oncological research?
thanx for ur help.I really need that.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-26-2005

of course you can impress them. Mice are so similar to humans that is why we use them in the first place. and remember those guys will be thinking... he is a doc, he has a brain! The first day like any other job is usually a weired day. actually the first couple of months are adjustment time. and any one can tell you that....

as far as basic or oncology who gives a damn. Unless you are really interested. and if you are then do what your heart desires. I do human trials (dont know where those ones fall)--we are investigating the quantiFERON test as an alternative to the regular PPD. I do this at the side. i have a regular full time job--- kind of responsible for my low scores on the 'MLE

I also dont have visa issues.. My trick to getting jobs has always been "i will work for you until the end of time" not many people/companies want to invest time & money training someone who will be gone in a short time!.

hope this helps & go for it man.. good luck.