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Fatal error :( - spring2011 - Printable Version

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Fatal error :( - spring2011 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

While drafting thank you notes to PDs after interview, I send a note addressed to PD A
to PD B. Am I toast?

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

not good though.. always check 3 times before pressing send button!

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

I feel terrible. I think I am toast. If it was resident or faculty may be there was a chance they would overlook....not PD

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

I caught my mistake and send an apology e-mail will that undo atleast some of the harm?

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

well i dont think the PDs will believe that you are interested in only their pgm.So unless you trashed another pgm in your mail I feel they will just leave it.But I hope you didnt make specific claims like I am ranking you number 1 etc!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

The PD wont even read them as there are hundreds of notes sent to him or her each application season. A thank you note is not going to get you a better rank number or a pre-match spot.

All communication gets printed and put in the applicant file, never to be seen again.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

I am agree with nehmemorial

Forget PAST and concentrate on FUTURE.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

I dont think its a good idea to follow up on the email, it may just bring to attention what may have slipped by.

I did that mistake too but during fellowship match and I DID hear back from the PD. He was nice enough to let it slip. But what is done is done, I dont think the small lapse will affect your chances. Dr. Chris is correct all correspondence get printed and shelved away in the applicant file.
Funny exercise: when you match in to a program, go to the program office and ask for your dossier. Lo and behold, you will find mostly everything about you that you sent to the program, correspondence, scores, letters, everything!

good luck!

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

Thanks guys. Really appreciate your encouraging responses. Don't feel so down any more and hoping for the best outcome. Good luck every one during iv season!

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-23-2011

"I dont think its a good idea to follow up on the email, it may just bring to attention what may have slipped by."

Best advice I have seen on this forum in a long time.