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behavioural sci qs - azim - Printable Version

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behavioural sci qs - azim - ArchivalUser - 01-25-2006

Amanda is 18 year old. Her friend just died from crack overdose. Everytime someone talked about her friend she would change the subject. She would not want to even look at her friend's picture. What coping defense mechanism did Amanda use?
Is it acting out

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-25-2006

any one.
looks every one is sleeping

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-25-2006

yeah, i am going to bed right after this one

no it is definitely not acting out. it is more like avoidant or something else. you have to give the choices. it is very hard for me to pick something out from the sea of knowledge in my brain. you know it is full now.

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-25-2006

I donot have the choices .My friend asked me this qs

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-26-2006

She has experienced a bad and painful event and yes, she wants to be avoid of it. I think it is "Denial" which is described by avoidance of awareness of some painful reality.

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-26-2006

I think it is Repression.

Repression: The involuntary exclusion of a painful or conflictual thought, impulse, or memory from awareness. This is the primary ego defense mechanism; others reinforce it.

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-26-2006


First aid: Voluntary (unlike other defenses) withholding of an idea or feeling from conscious awareness.

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-26-2006

its suppression coz she is doing it conciously

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-26-2006

dear irfan all defence mechanisms are unconscios
If it was repressin she must have asked,' what are u taking about" but she is avoiding it
If it was denial she should say No she is alive
may be its suppression but i dont know the answer

0 - ArchivalUser - 01-26-2006

Ok , your reason for denial is acceptable, but all defence mechanisms are unconsious EXCEPT suppression that can be consious or semicounsious. Please give the answer when you find it.