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USMLE-NBME Irregular Behaviour - barristerbob - Printable Version

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USMLE-NBME Irregular Behaviour - barristerbob - ArchivalUser - 02-26-2014

Just returned from representing three doctors before the USMLE/NBME Committee for Individualized Revew. Several doctors and med students were in the waiting room at 3750 Market Square who were to appear after us. I was surprised that they had no presentation materials, no counsel and seemed to be little befuddled and dazed by the entire process. Reminded me of the Book of Sirach. Chapter 32 verse 19: "Seek out the guidance of counsel and you will have no regrets." Or maybe better would the the advice of an old soldier: 1. set up a preimeter defense; 2. Understand who is in the fox hole with you.; 3. Have a Back-up plan; (4.) Get your cover prepared; (5.) Do not take a knife to a gun fight. Then maybe there are docs who think they can do their own appendectomies. good luck