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How many confusion !! URGH !! - sweety_usmle - Printable Version

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How many confusion !! URGH !! - sweety_usmle - ArchivalUser - 09-26-2014

So, this one is between Spinal Muscle Atrophy and Cerebral Palsy.. How to differentiate which one is which simply from history and presenting features??

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-26-2014

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2014

Guys any thought !!

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2014

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

This disruption of neural impulse transmission due to destruction of motoneurons causes the following symptoms in the locomotor system:

Muscular atrophy
Pareses (paralyses)
Hypotension of the muscles (reduction of muscle tension)
Swallowing, chewing and speech dysfunctions with involvement of the motoneurons of the brain stem

(Mostly FLACCID )

From Kaplan: (pg 212)

- Progressive hypotonia; generalized weakness; Infant is flaccid, has little movement and poor head control
− Feeding difficulty
− Respiratory insufficiency
− Fasciculations of the tongue and fingers
− Absent DTRs

Kaplan (pg 210)

Now, Cerebral Palsy

• The most obvious manifestation is impaired ability of voluntary muscles (rigidity and spasticity).
− Other associationsseizures and abnormalities of speech, vision, and intellect


Cerebral Palsy: Think of "Rigidity"
Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Think of "Flaccidity"

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2014

As also
Spinal Muscular Atrophy : LMN Symptoms (destruction of motorneurons)
Cerebral Palsy: UMN Symptoms (Structural problems in the brain are seen in 80% of cases, most commonly within the white matter)

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-27-2014

Thank you so much!!