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clinical rotations for IMGs w/GMCG ? - rami1 - Printable Version

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clinical rotations for IMGs w/GMCG ? - rami1 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

I was browssing the net and I came across the following site anyone has any experience w/ them? looks like they offer clinical rotations to IMGs, they are doing it by enrolling you w/ Xavier University School of Medcine (? founded 2003) as visiting student. Does anyone have any idea about how reliable this program is?

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

one of my friend is using this program... but I think it is very expensive...... if you have those additional money and you can not find any other option; it will be a good option.... but not the only option......

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

raja123 - pls can you give me the contact to your friend? I would like to have this infs. from him/her.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

thank you

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006


sure.... his email is gunsandroses..... I am not sure whether this is his current active email or not; I will varify with him and will let you know in couple of days...

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

raja 123

Thank you a lot for your help. I ll write him. GL to you.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

The site looks good..i'll check it out..hope its not a scam