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Is it fair? - fape - Printable Version

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Is it fair? - fape - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

Hi Every body.
Now many people get H1 and J1 visa with jobs. Is it fair for permanent residents with better credentials but not apply to these programs or no connection. The programs are supported by fedral grant whidch came from our tax money.
I think there should be more restrictions for visas. they should not get grant. why the hospitals should train outsiders instead of local people during the shortage of jobs. Regarding to credentials there are more than enough number of qualified candidate in US.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

ur concerns are baseless........................

r u trying to make fun of imgs ........

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

Is it not fun. There are a lot of permanet resident IMG not matched.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

I think it is fair. I'm a permenant resident, but I always remember that I didn't born as a permenant resident and it took me a long time to be able to get my immigrant visa. Those doctors also pay much more money here than what we pay as tax. In addition having immigrant visa always considers as a strong positive point for getting into the residency for most programs. I think we shouldn't project our bad luck in finding a position to the unrelated issues like other IMGs who need visa.
Good luck

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

Maybe those permanent resident are not what the PD are looking for, ///ok maybe they have better grades but?? do they have people skills? do they speak other languages , now a days it is very needed specially in places like NY chicago and Miami, do they have any clinical experience, most of IMGs have clinical experience since they have to do 1 year of community health.
So yes it's fair. The process is a sum of multiple qualities. The same happens when americans come to our countries and take our job, it's because "they are better" ...maybe in this case, the IMGs candidates were better than the AMGs.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

I am not talking about AMG. For IMG with greencard and good credentials.

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

whatever fape... i am a US citizen and i disagree w/ you... there are great applicants from india and elsewhere in the world.. we need these people in america...

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

i have many friends who are gc holders and who have matched at decent places with avg scores. if u have around avg scores (mean usmle is 88), gc is far more preferred than sponsoring visa, but if u have 75-80, pd's will be better of sponsoring visa than to take 75 score.....

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

There is no such a thing as being fair to everyone. If you are looking for fairness, you will be disappointed all the time. Everyone and every program are trying to be successful by playing within the rules. If a program violates the rules as some people tried to say (I am not sure what are the rules), it might get into trouble sometime down the road. The best you can do in the competition is to increase your competitiveness by improving your credentials or qualifications.

I am a US citizen with foreign medical degree, doing research for so many years (with many top journal papers), decided to come back to medical practice. I have 99/99, applied 50 programs late, and only 2 programs interviewed. My rejections were due to being an old grad and lack of USCE. Fortunately, I got matched to my top choice among all the 50 programs I applied.

However, if I did not get matched, I would try to get some USCE and apply early for next match. I am pretty sure that many people would think I was treated unfairly by most other programs for not offering interviews. However, I personally do not think so because if I am a PD I might reject a person with my credentials if USCE is considered very important.

You have to know your market value!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 03-22-2006

hey fape,

Your permanent residency shouldnt be a reason or ticket to competitve programs, all programs look for decent candidates, and u do know with an avg score a green card holder or an ctizen will easily preferred..but they do draw he line on quality.

Also u have a reason to complain because not long ago your folks moved to this great country to live the American Dream. Why arent we able to live this dream too. So my friend u better get ur scores up rather than crib abt a flawless and more or less open system