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Psychiatry vs Neurology - gardening - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

Hey I am finalizing my rank list (will share exact programs after deadline). I applied to both neurology and psychiatry. I know there are many people contemplating which one to rank higher.

1) Which one is more prestigious?
2) Salary difference?
3) Fellowship options?

My neurology programs are fairly good programs (slightly above average) and a couple of psychiatry programs are very top notch. I need opinion in what I should rank higher and which specialty will be in higher demand and have a higher pay?

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

although some ppl think Neuro has something to do with Psychiatry... the truth is that it has Nothing to do with psychiatry..

Neuro is comparable with IM, you will see that if you work with Neuro.. Psychiatry has its own thing.

Neuro is more prestigious( my openion)

payment is more in Psychatry

easier to get a job with psychiatry ( much better life style)
Fellowships are more competitive in neuro

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

I think Neuro is more competitive than average IM programs.
Agree psyc has a better lifestyle and job satisfaction.

What makes you say neurologists make less than psychiatrists?
Neurologists after fellowship easily make upver 300K!
Psychiatists make more than IM internists and psyc is in high demand, but neurologists make much much more than psychiatrists.

lets discuss the incomes

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

What's the aim of this careless thread? If you already have all information, knows which pays more, more prestigious and competitive etc, why asking for stupid opinions?

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

Some of the information I have might be misleading. Point is to get opinion of people as am undecided and will appreciate it before deadline

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

Hi, gardening, if I may, let me offer some of my own humble perspective on this, my background allow me to apply to either neuro or psy, but since with my old yog, low score, and multiple attempts, I did not bother with Neuro, went straight for psy. I have friends in Neuro and Psy residency, so I know what they going through.

Neuro makes more money - by a long shot.

Both are easy to find job.

However, Psy is very good to family life, less working hours, even during residency. You can have a balance between work and family life.

Neuro residency is trip through hell - exactly my friend's own word, it is even worse than IM. When psy resident rotates through IM and Neuro, they all started to appreciate the good quality of life they have vs resident in IM and Neuro.

Money and power in life is overrated, if you have a loving family, at end of the day, all you ever want to do is go back to be with them. See your kids and dog playing in the yard, go out a family trip with you wife and children, these moments are priceless, you will realized these when you get older. For that reason, Psy is far better choice than Neuro - by a long shot.

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

neurology, IM, FM & pediatrics all demand a lot of long working hours unlike psych, anesthesiology etc

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

I love psychiatry. I am an anomaly here. I am an AMG who did obgyn before doing psych. I cannot tell what a wonderful field it is. I find it to be ever so interesting and challenging. You cannot beat it in terms of lifestyle. So many options for moonlighting as a resident. Lots of ER shifts, C/L coverage work for residents. Lots of great fellowship opportunities for all different kinds of interests: forensics, addiction, child&adoloescent, consultation, geriatrics. Also non-AGCME fellowships like reproductive psychiatry, public psychiatry, lots of research fellowships. Non-academic jobs starts in the $200,000. You can do psychiatry as an outpatient, inpatient, ER, consultation, prison attending. You can do med management only, med-therpay, therapy only. Also last area of medicine where there is still such a thing as a cash practice. Lots of people willing to cash ($300-500) for "talk therapy." Even top programs take IMG/FMG/DO. I cannot stress enough what a wonderful field it is.

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015

@ belleandsabastian:

I love psychiatry as well! indeed i did 3-4 addendum psyc electives as MS4. Doesn't psychiatry pay alot lower than neurology? I think the average psychiatry salary is @225 if I am not mistaken.

@ salvation_within:

thanks for such a detailed message...I totally agree with everything you say. yes family life is important than anything else. and it is true both psychiatry and IM are very demanding in terms of residency an even lifestyle down the road.

but you know how much is the salary difference between psychiatry and neurologist assuming I do a fellowship?

0 - ArchivalUser - 02-19-2015