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What is thoughts now about applying for Residency - student1960 - Printable Version

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What is thoughts now about applying for Residency - student1960 - ArchivalUser - 11-24-2015

What are your thoughts now that so few are getting IV and scores are not proving to be everything.

Connections are the key to being really successful IMHO

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-24-2015

I would say that the process is not transparent at all. If a program gets 6000 applications, there is no way that they are going to look at all of them. They will filter scores, YOG, visa status, etc. So, if you want an interview you must find a way to have your application seen. Contacts and very high scores are definitely the way, but I still don't know how an average applicant can do it.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-24-2015

I have read about Above average scores this year with no IV and Multiple attempts people having 3 to 10 IV

So score is clearly nothing more than a screen factor

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-24-2015

A) Medical students to be IMG or newly graduated IMGs:

Stay in your home country, study hard to get +250 scores

Then either

1)do a home residency if you don't have a connection in US and try for match meanwhile
2)get to the US hospital where your connection works and try for match

B) Old IMGs:

1)Before passing USMLE:
Think twice if you really want to do this and put much effort and time for a chance of 5-10% at max

2)After passing USMLE:

High scores: Try to find a connection, now you have about 10-20% chance of getting to program
Average-Low scores:
If you already have a connection, try your chance, though your chance is less than 5%
If you dont have a connection, please take it easy and enjoy your life, life is too short ...

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-24-2015

Don't come to a country where there is no work looking for work.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-24-2015

Total US IMGs were 6,917 Matched 2660 38%
Total Non US IMGs were 10,060 Matched 3641 36%

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-24-2015

in 2015 match (Last year)

Over all the open spots were 27,293
All applicants was 41,334

with 22,494 AMGS (MD and DO)

so with these numbers what is an IMG chance really?

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2015

@jjrodz: Clearly disconnected from the system. Look past residency and fellowship. There is an immense shortage of physicians in primary care because american graduates do not want to deal with the day-to-day stuff that does not make you rich overnight. Most AMGs do not want to do IM or FP to stay in primary care, everyone wants the fancy derm, ortho and ophto positions. Ask anyone in practice how many job offers they get per week, 5? 8? it's more than that.

High scores get you through the filters.
OLD IMGs have to demonstrate merits other than just with the scores, clinical experience in the US does not hurt.
Contacts make you more visible. References from someone in person are more valuable than random generic letters from unknown people.

I came to the US with half of the info I needed, ACED the USMLE tests, moved around, got to know people that liked me andgave good references about me in the right places, had luck with good LORs, accepted a prematch, finished residency, went to a last minute IV for fellowship, finished PGY6 easily and went on to sub specialty work in private practice, everything in less than 8 years.
It's worth the effort.

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2015

I forgot to mention, all the stuf above was done while being an old IMG (7 years after medical school graduation) with a gap for academic setting of 4+ years, no residency outside of the US, no research, no publications, and very little money, barely enough to get me through the USMLE process.

There will be trolls everywhere trying to discourage people from trying.
How do you know you won't succeed if you don't take the risk?

0 - ArchivalUser - 11-25-2015

I work now in Medicine as a Nurse here in the USA while making contacts