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MGUS vs MM - drviks
could someone pls let me know how to differentiate b/w monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance and Multiple myeloma? i'm lost here.

acetaminophen injury to the liver. which is the zone that is affected?
thx, all
People with MGUS produce small amounts of monoclonal protein, but they have none of the symptoms or complications of myeloma.
MGUS is much more common than myeloma. The incidence of MGUS increases with age. It is uncommon in young individuals and reaches an incidence of approximately 3% in people aged 70 years and older.
MGUS is believed to be a premyeloma condition, although not all patients with MGUS develop myeloma. About 30-40% of people with MGUS, given sufficient time, may progress to develop myeloma.
thx, doctoria.
acetaminophen injury liver: central vein area affected.
You're wellcome!
I also was really confused. Its written in the Kaplan Q bank in one of the questions

MGUS-elevation of M protein, no identifable mass or bone marrow lesion
Solitary myeloma-elevation of M protein, solitary lesion of bone or soft tissue
Multiple myeloma-elevation of M protein, multiple bone lesions
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