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Q2 from ritu - ritu2006
30y F has a diffuse pruritic rash for the past three days. onset of rash was sudden and she has had generalized weakness since the dermatologic symptoms appeared. She has a 15-y history of psoriasis. Physical exam shows diffuse erythema over the body with areas of scaling and exfoliation. The mucosal areas are unaffected. Which is most important to ask the PT in determining the diagnosis

a) have you recently adopted a new pet?
b) have you recently been bitten or stung by an insect
c) have you recently been exposed to excessive sunlight
d) have you recently started any new medicaitons
e) have you recently walked through a wooded area
e, lyme disease
its not lymes disease it is not erythema migrans.

i think it is more like the toxic epidermonecrolysis classicaly like the picture in usmle world.. so it should be d.

looking at other choice e is more likely to suggest lymes but its not lyme rash.

the first question would suggest more of allergy but again mucosa spared and exfoliation with scaling wont go in that favour.

exposure to sunlight exacerbates the psoriasis but i dont think so it is exacerbation of psoriasis

2nd is anaphylaxsis so obvious mucosal involvement.and pt wwould weeze

still i am thinking of some insect which can give weakness and generalized dermatological symproms i will post if i get one
C ? ? ?
more input please
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