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sex and MI - poojy36
a man get an MI while having a sexual intercourse ,after being tretaed for an inferior wall MI he is discharged ..B$ discharge the couple asks abt sexual activity..wht is teh advice?

a) sex with monitoring by an ecg monitor
b) sex is safe when exercise tolerance improves
c) sex not before 3 months after MI
d) sex asap

in behavioral science by barbara fadem---
they have said that one should return to normal routine activities including sex as soon as possible
i think its B cauz i read somewhere that the patient can go for sex if he can climb 2 flights of stairs without symptoms ...
or if he can tolerate a tachycardia of 110-130 bps
but i am not sure ... anyone plz comment ... cauz i don`t find any opposing reason for choice C too ... but B seems to e more strong as an answer
No its B for sure once exe tolerance improves Pt is allowed to have sex again
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