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immunopath 6 - kashmala
A 52-year-old female presents with diffuse pain in
her thighs and shoulders bilaterally, difficulty in rising
from a chair and climbing steps, and a rash with a viola-
ceous color around the orbits and on the knuckles. Antinu-
clear antibodies are positive at 1:160. Which of the follow-
< cKaH M emaBio-KoHBepcM;l: MYCAH s poH. PV >
ing tests is most specific for the diagnosis of this
O (A) Anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies
O (B) Rheumatoid factor latex test
O © Anti-Ul-ribonucleoprotein antibodies
O (D) Antihistone antibodies
O (E) Anti-Jo-I antibodies
(A) Anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies

Hi, Kashmala. long time havnt seen you on forum.... how things going?
E for excellent sage

i've been fine...gotta hit books dude way out.....cudn read bookks as long as i am in front of this dam this forum..... full of cuty pies....ahahhahah
Ramadan provided an excuse for not being in front of compueter
thanks for ur abt u ,,,havent seen u either i guess since ages
I am also fine. working on mcgs... not much time coming back here... missed friends here..

Good luck..
(E) She has dennatomyositis, a form of inflammatory
myopathy in which capillaries are the primary target for
antibody and complement-mediated injury. Anti-Jo-1 anti-
bodies, although not present in most cases, are quite spe-
cific for inflammatory myopathies. The perivascular and
perimysial inflammatory infiltrates result in peripheral mus-
cle fascicular myocyte necrosis. The process is mediated by
CD4+ cells and B cells. The heliotrope rash is a character-
istic feature of dermatomyositis. Anti-double-stranded
DNA is specific for SLE, in which there can without significant inflammation or necrosis. Rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by inflammatory destruction of
joints, not muscle, although muscle may atrophy secondary
to diminished movement The anti-Ul-ribonucleoprotein
antibodies suggest a diagnosis of mixed connective tissue
disease, a condition that can overlap with polymyositis.
Anti-histone antibodies are associated with drug-induced
(E) She has dennatomyositis, a form of inflammatory
myopathy in which capillaries are the primary target for
antibody and complement-mediated injury. Anti-Jo-1 anti-
bodies, although not present in most cases, are quite spe-
cific for inflammatory myopathies. The perivascular and
perimysial inflammatory infiltrates result in peripheral mus-
cle fascicular myocyte necrosis. The process is mediated by
CD4+ cells and B cells. The heliotrope rash is a character-
istic feature of dermatomyositis. Anti-double-stranded
DNA is specific for SLE, in which there can without significant inflammation or necrosis. Rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by inflammatory destruction of
joints, not muscle, although muscle may atrophy secondary
to diminished movement The anti-Ul-ribonucleoprotein
antibodies suggest a diagnosis of mixed connective tissue
disease, a condition that can overlap with polymyositis.
Anti-histone antibodies are associated with drug-induced
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