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Good Questions - cjay
Q96. Female 60 years old with constipation for many months, she has not passed stools for the last 3 days. On examination the abdomen is distended but non tender. What is your management ?
-High fiber diet
-Mineral oil
Q88. Elderly female on Tamoxifen therapy for advanced CA breast with bone mets. Became thirsty and increased urination, disoriented, nausea and vomiting, confused and agitated
-brain metastasis
Q84. Doctors note to employer regarding illness of employee. What should physician not write?
-the diagnosis
-make recommendations at work place
-make a note on restriction of activity
-give an idea of probable duration of illness
Q83. Competency of patient. Incompetent when?
-if don™t know the nature of assets
-spends more than he earns
-suffers from a mental disease
Q76. All are true regarding criteria for organ transplantation except
-Absence of all spinal reflexes
-Absent corneal reflex
-Absent pharyngeal reflex
Q74. In which of the following food does botulism more common?
-freeze packaging
-vacuum packaging
Q73. You gave a new drug to your patients with dementia. A new effect was noted. Those suffering from multi infarct dementia improved while that with Alzheimer™s not. What should you do before prescribing this-
-inform pharmaceutical company about possible indication of use
-can use it in this new indication and it shows advantages
Q70. Death certificate, alcoholic, pleural effusion and died of acute respiratory failure, what is the cause of death
-respiratory failure
-pleural effusion
-cardiac arrest
Q69. Young patient with vegetative state, no relatives, and patient is suffering from a terminal illness no chance of recovery. According to what you decide not to pull off the ventilator? Age, coma
Q68. The most important cause of increased complications of measles in developing countries
-Inadequate immunization
-Inadequate nutrition
Q61. Proper disposal of waste- what is the best and most efficient way to reduce lead poisoning?
-wash the hands thoroughly every time they eat.
-use disposable outfit
-wear masks
Q57. Ethics question- a man suspects to be having probable gonorrhea. His wife works in lab. He doesn™t want her to know his specimen. What to do.
-ask him to tell his wife
-put a code no. on the sample, not his name.
-Don™t listen to him and straight inform his wife
-send him to another clinic
Q55. In surveillance in worker for radiation hazard best will be
-Annual PE.
-Total body radiation count
-CBC every 6 months
-Chest X ray yearly
-eye examination for cataract yearly
Q54. Maximum radiation exposure takes from?
-Nuclear fallout
-natural background
-nuclear reactor
-uranium mine
Q 48. 59 year old female for PHE. What will you advice
-self examination of breast
-Bone scan
Q47. Drug compliance can be increased by
-more no of drugs for t/t
-fear of doctor
-social problem
Q43. Child 9 years old studying in kindergarten is unable to read, write or even to color a picture. He becomes happy when he answers simple questions. What is your diagnosis?
-Mental retardation
-Specific learning disability
Q40. Schizophrenia is most commonly associated to
-monozygotic twins
-dizygotic twins
-family history
Q38. 32 yrs old pt presented with decreased concentration, slowness of thinking apathy, socially withdrawn, short term memory loss with difficulty in learning new information then developed seizure. What is the diagnosis?
-AIDS-dementia complex
-Alzheimer™s disease
Q37. Pt on carbamazepine with new onset seizures, 3 attacks in last 2 weeks. Serum level of Carbamazepine is normal. What to do?
-CT scan and EEG
-Give another agent- phenytoin
Q36. 17yr old girl comes with depression. She is treated with Sertraline. Then she admits abusing amphetamine. What should be done-
-Stop Setrtraline and give paxel
-Give written instructions about amphetamine abuse
-Inform family
Risperidone causes prolactinemia and increases sexual activity?
Q17. 8 weeks pregnant patient with depression on Sertraline wants to stop medication. What will you do?
-do a detailed physical and mental examination
-continue antidepressant
-substitute another
-lower the dosage
Q15. Which is true regarding suicide in adolescent?
-More common in summer
-Attempt to suicide is more common in F than in M.
-More common in M, ratio 4:1
-Suicide M:F=10:1 (checked
Q14. Paranoia is not seen in
-pernicious anemia
Q13. Anti-depressant treatment should be carried on for how many months?
-indefinite time
Q11. A person is brought into the police station found wandering aimlessly and he is unable to tell his name or any other personal information regarding time and place. Which of the following would not be part of your d/d?
-temporal lobe epilepsy
-dissociative fugue
-dissociative amnesia (amnestic disorder)
-factitious disorder
Q10. Which of the drugs cause amnesia the most?
Q9. Handwashing ritual in 11 years old. Mother is very worried and does not treatment with any medication. Which one is the best option? which psychotherapy?
-Cognitive behavioral therapy /behavioural therapy
-Family therapy.
-psychodynamic psychotherapy
-relaxation therapy
Q8. In Autistic disorder choose the best option
-More common in girls
-Autosomal recessive
Q6. Pt is on Lithium therapy becomes hypothyroid. What is the treatment?
-Reduce dose of lithium to 50%
-Start levothyroxine
-Stop lithium
Q5. An aged female with history of depression for two months comes to psychiatrist. She admits using St John™s Wort 300 mg for last 1 week in consultation with a naturopath. What should be done?
-Stop using St John™s Wort and add Sertraline
-Increase dosage of St John™s Wort to 1800 mg
-Coadminister St John™s wort at reduced dosage of 50% with Sertraline for its safe
-give paxel
Q1. Depression is associated with which of the following sleep patterns
-decreased REM latency
-decreased REM normal NREM
-decreased stage 2 NREM
-decreased stage 4 NREM
- decreased latency REM and decreased 4 stage sleep
thank u !!! hey cjay u just disappeared ?
yep took some time off from studies now back 2 reality :-(
how r u guys doing?
how was ur vacation ? huh u must be having lot of fun
yes drove all over the Texas :::Smile during the holidays w family Smile wat about you? did u have good time?
it was ok ! hmm u know doing questions and stuff ----
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