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Is the match a lottery???? - hopy
Hey all,

I´ve had some people telling me not to go to the match and accept prematch if it comes because the match is like a lottery where IMGs compete with AMGs with an increasing number of participants each year...

I´d like to believe there´s more than just a lottery and luck in the match.

Any comments on this? Experiences? I never really trusted lotteries, where you can´t do much to win...

NO, match is not like a lottery. Lottery is more predictable.

Well, I hope I have more chances in the match than in a lottery.......
u r right hopy!!!!!!!!!
i dont think its like a lottery
there r defiantely some predictors
but u culd get unlucky and not match.
It is not a lottery. You have some control over things and can increase your possibilities by performing well at the interview. Remember that if a program had invited you for an interview, that means you have a fair chance of matching there based on your credentials. The program thinks that you might be good enough for them. The interview is used by most programs as a way for knowing you as person, and see if you will fit well there.

As I said before, signing a prematch is a very personal decision, which shouldn't be based on other's opinion. Only take a prematch if you like the place and you think that it will fit your future needs. Do not go for a prematch just because you are scared of not matching or someone tells you that the match is a lotery.

Good luck.
I agree with all of the above.
Match is not a lottery.U have fair chances of getting matched and there are plenty of seats.
But personally I signed the prematch becoz I liked the program,PD and the location.And when the program meets ur expectations then why to waste more money on attending interviews and travelling.
No harm in going to the match but if someone has got a prematch from a program he/she liked then i think its better to take the prematch than go to match.
It s a lottery for me
I am acepting a prematch offer in a hospital in Phili
And next year its going to be much more difficult.
See you guys, and good luck!!!!
Hi all,
Thanks for your answers. I think I just freaked out....!!!!!
I´m still in the middle of my interviews and until now I´m quite happy with it.
I wish you all the best MDs!
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