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some weird ones: - ixodes
ok guys i gave my exam a few days back so dont exactly remember the questions, but i hope this helps:
- q on hardy weinberg`s equation: calculate gene frequency when prevalence of disease was given.. EXCEPT that the disease was AD one.
for AD prevalence= p2 + 2pq i think.
- child with short stature treated with GH. effect of treatment on Ca levels and nitrogen balance in the body.
- child with dehydration- weight loss given. calculate the water defecit.
- woman with health insurance visits the physician frequently.
what benefit to the physician in terms of costs and revenues per visit.
will post more later if i remember..
Thank you very much for your information.
thanks for your input.
Hardy-Weinberg equation can also be used in AD diseases, right?
for the HW question...if you have prevalence of the AD disease ... isn't gene frequency aprox equal to the prevalence ?? (since ...if you got one gene, you got the disease...and the prob. of having 2 diseased gene is soooo small, you can just ignore it). And also, if they don't say anything about penetrance in the q...i think that gene frequency should equal prevalence.

What do you think ?

Hi, ixodes, how did you feel your exam? Was it doable? Some people said that the exam qs are harder than last year. How do you think? Your answer would be greatly appreciated.
A scared examtaker on Feb 27th.
why AD prevalence= p2 + 2pq ? any body knows??????thanks
hi, ixodes since you took ur exam recently can you give some input how the exam has changed. I read some comment on the forum about a big in the exam formate. MY exam is in march and i am really worried. thank you
just because in AD you have homozygote(pp) + heterozygote(pq)
so AD =P`+2PQ
For the HW one, frequency should be close to 1/2 of disease prevelence because p^2 is small.
GH increase vit D level and increase Calcium metabolism. Serum Calcium level does not change, but renal calcium secretion increase. GH promote positive nitrogen metablism.
For acute dehydration, water loss=weight loss.
For the last one, I really have no idea. Does these make sense to your answers, ixodes?
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