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is it ok to ask PD - doctormle
guys is it ok to ask PD for a particular rotation first...due to some reason? does it cause a bad impression on him? i dont want to start ona bad note
My guess is it should be ok but word it politely and professionally..try asking them when the rotation schedule would be determined and whether or not u can get rotation "x" initially bcoz of whatever reason (hopefully there's a substantive reason behind ur request)

Disclaimer : I am not a resident (yet) and this is simply my opinion based on what I would do was I in the same situation.
In some programs they let you guys decide on a schedule. In others, everything is already premade. I don't think asking would cause a bad impression. But make sure to look at the information the program gave you about your residency (either on paper or on the web). They usually talk about the rotations somewhere. There's no need to ask a question which has already been answered.
thanks guys
I believe most programs will ask you for your preferences soon, including vacation time and rotations. Each program have their own system for that. And usually they try to honor that. My program has a system where you are given a virtual $100, which you distribute among your preferences. That is the way my program knows how much you want or need certain rotation or vacation period. Last year they fixed similar schedules for me and my wife, which was not requested but really nice from them. You can call your program and ask about the scheduling system they have.

Good luck
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